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Posted in Uniform knickers at UK secondary schools on 2022-11-11 15:34:09

Hi Emily

Yes - much calmer now as we are starting to head back towards the UK. This trip was similar to the last one but slightly shorter. We have a break at Porto on the way back. I think there was quite a lot of uneaten food on the day I last posted and good sales of the appropriate tablets! I am fairly used to it and normally lie on my bed if it is really bad. Andrew manages in a similar way. Plain food is also a must!

Andrew was upset at the WHU result and they are slipping down the table again. A good 20/20 cricket result though and several good sporting events coming up followed by the Football World Cup - so the big screen will be well used in the coming days/weeks.

I hope things are going well at school for you and the weather is kind for Joel on Sunday. I am sure it will go well for him. I hear that it is still very mild back at home and my parents are pleased that they have avoided using the heating on most nights.

Good point about the black stockings. I will forget to pack tights - not many pairs left now. Actually it tends to be bare legs by day with stockings just for the formal nights.

I love the grey/black outfit - not too keen on cord myself as the material tends to irritate my skin but I know that it is warm and hard wearing.

For tonight it will be my floral dress with a blue background, cream cardigan, opaque stockings and cream sandals. Andrew may wear his suit - but it will come off at the earliest opportunity!

Enjoy your weekend


Posted in Uniform knickers at UK secondary schools on 2022-11-07 15:31:20

Hi Emily

I couldn't log in yesterday either but the signal is OK at the moment as we head back to the Canaries for a slightly shorter trip. It is a bit bumpy at the moment as there is a strong SW wind!

In 10 days I have a short break before we head across the Atlantic. Just enough time to see my parents and sort clothes etc. Andrew will spend a few days with his mother.

I think Alice joined another company after Covid. Kate is doing really well though but not looking forward to the Atlantic crossing. She is still not comfortable with bumpy conditions but you do get used to them - probably a light meal tonight though!

Andrew was a bit down after yesterday's result - there will soon be a World Cup break. We saw some Cup matches on the big screen yesterday - Andrew said that it was good to see some of the smaller clubs in action.

I hope that you enjoyed Bonfire Night - was the weather kind? I expect Joel is looking forward to leading the Remembrance Day service - no doubt he will have his photo in the local paper! We will be marking the occasion with a service on board.

Your red/black outfit puts me to shame. Comfy attire for me as I am just having a rest in my cabin - white shirt, black trousers, white socks (no shoes). I need to get more black stockings - most of mine tend to be opaque.

It is smart casual tonight but I may not be in the dining room if this turbulence continues and will probably have a light meal in the buffet instead.

Take care


Posted in Uniform knickers at UK secondary schools on 2022-10-30 16:10:22

Hi Emily

We are nearing the end of our stay in the Canaries. Each island is different in its own way but it is great that they are so close together so no long voyages until we head back. We tend to sail very slowly at night about 5 mph - the engines are quieter and there is little movement.

Kate is getting really confident now on the talks - not reading from the sheets so much. She is enjoying her work and we get on well together.

Andrew tends to cross the corridor in my direction - no real reason - perhaps my cabin is tidier. WHU are doing well now in the league and Europe so he has been in a good mood. Liverpool v Leeds was beamed in last evening - a surprising result which caused a lot of discussion in the lounges afterwards.

Great that you could relax during half term and getting ahead with some work. I am glad we missed that weather here but we have had a few showers. It has been in the low to mid 20sC. Pity Joel did not have some time off otherwise you may have been able to have some days out together.

I can appreciate how little snags show up more on black stockings. Marks show up more on my black clothes. I don't have many pairs of black stockings - most of mine are neutral.

For my smart casual - it was a knee length grey skirt, off white top, opaque stockings and grey flats. Probably something similar tonight. Your outfit sounds fine for a day at home.

At the moment - black trousers, white shirt, black flats - ideal for running around the ship and quayside!

Have a great week!


Posted in Uniform knickers at UK secondary schools on 2022-10-23 15:02:15

Hi Emily

We are now well on our was to the Canaries - stopping off at Lisbon on our journey south. This breaks up the "Days at Sea" We are visiting Madeira, La Palma, La Gomera, Tenerife and Lanzarote.

There are quite a few excursions - so several port talks for Kate and myself. No great excitement for me to report since I last posted.

Andrew and I did go out for a short walk at Cadiz. It is always good to stretch our legs in the fresh air every now and again. Still no major issues with Covid. I expect you are right with most of our older clients having had their boosters.

I am glad that the wedding went well for Joel and his able assistant! A break from school for you. Did you manage to visit the shops?

My parents mentioned that the temperatures are in the high teens at home and that they don't need the heating at the moment. It is in the lower 20s here.

Andrew saw a 20/20 cricket match which was beamed in - India v Pakistan I think. WHU play tomorrow.

I can well imagine why Joel loves your green dress! A far more classy outfit than mine at the moment. Black trousers, white shirt, tie and black flats. Not sure what to wear tonight - smart casual.

Enjoy your week

Take care!


Posted in Uniform knickers at UK secondary schools on 2022-10-14 14:30:51

Hi Emily

Gibraltar again today! It is about 20C and sunny although there has been rain recently Everything has been fine so far. The seas have been reasonable - just mild movement at times. We will be heading back to the UK later today, calling at Cadiz.

Cadiz is believed to be Western Europe's oldest continually inhabited city - 3,000 years old. There are several guided walking tours arranged to see the main landmarks. I hope that we don't get any showers!

Yes, Kate is with me again and we should also be together in the Caribbean. She is learning fast and growing in confidence. Our ties do look like school ties - possibly a little wider. We are due a short break in 5 weeks before crossing the Atlantic. Just enough time for a wardrobe change - about 4 days at home I think.

Andrew was pleased with the home win and I think he said they won in Europe again. He was in a good mood on Sunday and we "crossed the corridor" before retiring for the night!

I am pleased that things are going well for you and Joel. Another wedding for you both tomorrow. I hope that the weather is OK. My parents mentioned a rise in Covid numbers in their area. No problems on board and I hope that your school is not disrupted again.

Your autumn outfit sounds great. Uniform for me at the moment but a green background floral dress will appear tonight with a cream cardigan, opaque stockings and cream flats. Andrew will also dress smartly for dinner tonight which is formal to mark the Captain's birthday. No doubt a special menu - probably ending with Baked Alaska with candles!

Take care
