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User: rich

Dead Yet Living


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Posted in Use of Jockstraps in America on 2002-01-24 04:30:05

========== In Reply To ========== It seems that a lot of guys had jock inspections in school. How were these inspections done. We were told to wear one but were never inspected.

In junior high, we had just one coach or PE teacher. He always had the guys pull one of the leg straps out as he walked past checking our PE uniforms. If you didn't wear a jock, he counted it as 2 points off, but not wearing the right t-shirt or shorts was only 1 point off. If you got 5 points off total, you got two licks with his paddle. Most guys who lost 5 points got licks because they forgot their jock. In high school, one gym coach had us show him the jock waistband as he walked past and the other had us show him one of the leg straps. Same deal with licks though for not being in PE uniform, including a jock.

Posted in Birthday Spankings on 2001-09-17 00:16:55

My sister and I both had to endure the "birthday spanking" ritual. Though they never were painful they were embarrassing. We got birthday spankings until we turned 19. The ritual was always the same where after a dinner (it didn't have to be on your birthday - just close) my Dad would announce it was time for the birthday spanking. My Dad and Mom and the two of us would go into the living room for the event. My Dad would do the honors by placing a chair in the middle of the room, sit down, and call the receipient foward. We always had to go to my Dad's right side. He would announce our age and that we would get that many swats plus one to grow on. My Dad would then have me pull my pants down, or my sister pull her pants down or her skirt up. He would then say "assume the position" which meant across his lap. (Even when I was 18 I still fit). After getting in position He would take his time, about two minutes, and say things like the spanking was to make sure we didn't get to $%!@y as we got older. Then with that done he would pull our underpants down and say it was time to start the spanking. This was really embarrassing. Even though my sister and I got numerous punishment spankings on our bare bottoms we were never usually allowed to witness the other one being spanked. My dad would take his time giving the hand spanking and we had to count out loud the spank we were getting. After we got all our swats he would say "see you next year" and we were allowed to get up. My sister got an eyefull when I was 15 and I forgot to pull up my underpants before I stood up. Looking back it was embarrassing but fun.

Posted in interacial relationship on 2001-05-29 03:27:06

should have had a place to pick more than 1 race. i have had relationships with men of multiable races. i like them all, everyone has something to offer that is different than what you may be used to. but we all like sex and fall in love, no matter what our race.

Posted in Should motorcycle riders wear helmets? on 2000-06-28 03:47:02

========== In Reply To ========== As a trauma intensive care nurse, I have seen the end results of many motorcycle crashes. It's devastating.It's not so much that helmets save lives,they save you from living with severe head trauma.Dying in the crash would be easier.Most patients with these injuries require rehabilitation and/or long term medical care. It becomes an emotional and financial burden on themselves and their loved ones. Even with the best of insurance, $10,000 doesn't go very far with the high cost of medical care today.Insurance companies(not wanting to cut into their profits}also can decide where and what kind of post-trauma care will be used. Then after insurance runs out(if there is any)the injured then becomes a burden to all taxpayers. I gladly pay taxes for anyone to get quality health care, but feel we should do all we can to prevent injuries. I do understand the desire to not have that bucket on your head but most do not fully understand how serious these injuries are. Chin straps do cause injuries but at least you're alive and functional.Most strap injuries are less severe and usually repaired easily.And as far as head injuries in automobiles...they do happen, but usually only to those who choose not to wear seat belts.I don't want to be a nag(but I will) I have LITERALLY had to suction brains out of peoples mouths, ears, and nose, secure eyeballs that were hanging out, etc., etc. After having done this for 15 yrs. I don't want to do it ever again. But I will. Over and over and over. I only bitch because it matters. Thanks for letting me rant. Sally G.

I think I can get those statistics for you. I'll try.

Sure its sad. Its still none of the governments business. Your insurance agument fails because its illegal for the government to be on the insurance business. The free market would settle the helmet wearing question. You let government control your personal life, then your a slave. I thiught we were against slavery.

Posted in Should motorcycle riders wear helmets? on 2000-06-28 03:40:38

Should I wear a helmit? Thats my business. Its none of the governments business. They try to tell us that if we have an accident we are a burden on the government,s health system. Well, its illegal for the gov to be in the health business anyhow. So since they break the law, we have to be persecuted. Of course who is going to fight the illegal gov? The attorneys are making a killing on all the ilegal laws. The law of this country is still common law. Why don't someone use the law? This is the bases of freedom. As long as you don't hurt anyone else.