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User: Ruslanmnr


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Posted in The Bush Economy Poll on 2002-10-16 15:21:38

Just a short remark, what can you expect from a man who became president of usa by FRAUDE???

Posted in So called war against terrorism on 2002-10-11 23:58:30

Hi again,

So sorry to have kept you waiting for my answer... Have to disagree with you again, they stay UK imported bastards. Please realize Ireland is Ireland and the part UK has of Ireland is nothing more then a COLONY, please we are in a new millenium, bring home your so called UK citizens, give them a place in UK, dont disturb the Irish with them taking Irish jobs and taking Irish houses, please take them back to UK and let Ireland be Ireland... Remember they never asked you to come there in the first place.. so go back to your island, take your so called "Irish decended from Scots and English" and please please please stay on your own island...

========== In Reply To ========== Actually the pro-UK people in Northern Ireland are not imported "UK bastards" - the loyalists are Irish people, descended from Scots and English who settled there 400 years ago. Sure they were Scots and English originally but here so long I think they may now be called Irish. You must realise these are different people from modern Scots English and Welch. Believe me I know from experience that most English/Scottish/Welch people have any interest in Northern Ireland - the most common attitude is that the different Irish sides should solve their own problems. You see if any British government withdrew because of IRA attacks it would have been disasterous for them - they might have wished to get out but to do so would be seen as giving in to terrorism.

They are mostly Protestant and do not want to be part of a mainly Catholic country, (even though in the last 20 years the influence of the Catholic church has become much less powerful than it used to be in the Republic of Ireland). In reality the British forces were in the middle of an Irish civil war. They may have taken the loyalist side in the past but you have to recognise that they made great efforts to become more impartial as relations with the Irish Republic improved since the 1970s

You see the referendum we had in 1998 was a historic act of national self-determination by all Irish people, north and south, loyalist/unionist (pro-UK Irish) and nationalist/republican (pro-Republic of Ireland) and the overwhelming majority voted for a democratic peaceful solution called the Good Friday agreement.

In this agreement all Irish people agreed that Northern Ireland should have its own government fully representative of all political beliefs and close links with both UK and Irish government. Recognition by the British government that they only have an interest in Ireland as long as a majority of people in Northern Ireland wish - in other words if any future referendum decides for a 32 county Irish state they will support this. Recognition by the Irish government that any future change in the status of NI depends upon the same democratic mandate.

The British and Irish governments can work very well together - we are both member states of the European Union and therefore committed to political and economic integration with each other. I future I believe that you will have two states on this island but with something like the same relationship to each other as two states in the USA

In conclusion the only legitimate constitutional future for Ireland is one we vote for. Any true Irish patriot wants PEACE and DEMOCRACY and good relations with our neighbours. I have no problem with the Sinn Fein people like Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness who wish to participate in democractic politics. But sadly there are some republican elements who wish to continue their so called war and these people are criminals and traitors.

Posted in Gay Born or Influenced? on 2002-09-21 19:50:25


What kind of drugs are you on???

========== In Reply To ========== God damn that media.

People should realize goats are a better option than little children. Please, if you have any interest in little children, take a closer look at the goats in your life. I mean, I've never been sexually attracted to goats myself. But then again, I was always different as a child. Am I repressing my lifelong sexual desire to $%!@ a goat?

All rapists and pedophiles should $%!@ goats. I mean, really. Or pigs. Let's bring back animalism and reduce pedophilia.

Posted in Smoking In School on 2002-09-21 19:27:58

========== In Reply To ========== They should fire all teachers who smoke. It's a horrible example for students.

Lol why??? Everybody has a free choice to smoke or not smoke, fire all teachers who smoke is a NAZI method :-( Besides if you are serious why have you got $%!@ as vice president? He was known as a heavy smoker so fire him!!!

Posted in Your Thoughts on The War on Terrorism on 2002-08-29 21:41:04

It is 100 % clear this poll was made by a stupid ignorant USA person, one who has no idea why the rest of the world is against you...

Please take my advice and read (if you can read) some international (gosh that is difficult I can only understand simple english...) magazines and you will find out the world is a bit bigger then your country...

To be short $%!@ usa and the sooner we will get rid of them the better...

PS should I have made some spelling mistakes please address to me in Frisian Dutch or German