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User: Satray


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Posted in Is It a Woman's world? on 2017-05-26 23:02:54

Yes, life is good, as a Woman. Just wait till we control a majority of businesses and politics, etc etc etc. But in the meantime, it's fun to humiliate men as we desire.

Posted in Is It a Woman's world? on 2017-05-23 05:28:26

Very good observation orion.f. I stand corrected. It could have been better said that Women are finally taking over these "signs" of their natural dominance and superior position.

Posted in Is It a Woman's world? on 2017-05-23 05:24:44

I answered your poll as well Pierrerene. Thank you Caroline, for not letting him get away with that. I was following that slip of obedience. Ashley

Posted in Is It a Woman's world? on 2017-05-19 19:39:13


Like Pierrene, I also read and enjoy your website articulating the natural superiority of women. I actually work out a fair amount, and have a BF of average male build, slightly taller than I; but when we wrestle, due to my quick mind and reflexes, my higher pain tolerance, my superior endurance (he loses his upper body advantage due to fatigue), and my superior flexibility, I almost always win. There's no contest when I engage my lower body, which I usually get to do. I can pretty-much dominate him physically, even though I'm giving away 60 pounds and an inch.

For all the reasons you numerate, Women are gaining VERY rapidly in the workplace at all levels, and we only have politics to consume. That is only a matter of time as well.

Thank you for your thoughtful and honest appraisal of the current situation, your admission of our superiority, and your work towards making it a cultural reality. Ashley

Posted in The Real Weaker Sex - For Boys / Men Please on 2017-04-14 23:15:38

Women are also better at using the skills of their employees, empowering them so they are productive and enjoy their work, consensus management, team-building, and numerous other important skills and insights/intuitions that make them superior managers. Women managers, in my experience, tend to create more pleasant, fun, productive work environments.

Yes indeed, male coworkers are fair game. :)