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User: Severosos



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Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2022-03-26 23:30:27

It's great that there are such courses in photography, where people can learn from professionals. You've no idea how hard it's to find a great photographer who knows how to work with a camera. The only photo shoot that fully met my expectations was with aperfectspace.com, I chose one of the best locations. After that, I wondered why there are so few creative photographers who are literally passionate about what they do. Perhaps the thing is that people do not want to experiment with new images and angles, all trying to adjust their work under the generally accepted norm. What do you think?

Posted in Have you ever had sex with an Arab before? on 2021-12-07 18:06:31

Yes, but it was only once. I was in Paris when I met him. I can't say that it was the best sex I ever had, but rather one of the worst. Let's start with the fact that he had a small $%!@, so we don't have to go on. When I saw Arabs in sex4arab.xxx porn, they seemed much prettier to me. There they were tall and beautiful, and I met some inept one.But he had a huge advantage over other men, he looked after me very nicely. He gave me flowers, gifts, called me on a trip to the islands and even bought tickets to travel together. It was beautiful, but I don't think we'll ever see each other again. Sex is a very important part of a relationship for me, I can't do that. Girls, if you want good sex, you should find a mulatto or an African.

Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2021-08-06 22:45:12

Identity cards are a really useful thing. There were cases when strangers came and needed to check their documents. You can't tell from the look of it that the document is fake, but when you check it in a special program https://www.idanalyzer.com/products/prime-id-scanner.html , everything becomes clear. At my work, this happens almost once a week, and I have to call the police. In this program everything is saved to cloud storage, so next time the same person can't cheat you.

Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2021-01-12 13:36:49

Dating sites are great!