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User: Sir-Mix-A-Lot


Polls Created


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Posted in Do you lie when you vote or leave comments???? on 2006-05-14 04:32:01

yah i dont know y i put it in the behind closed doors section, but the guy that replied after u made a good point. I didnt really expect people to tell the truth either lol

Posted in Hot guys (Girls only) on 2006-05-14 04:29:37

whats up with ur poll man. I mean, wtf is up with you asking if this poll makes them "horny". You are obviously desperate for a relationship and need to tap some soon.

Posted in Making Your Sneakers Stink on 2006-04-01 08:54:05

now wtf would ya wanna make ur shoes smell?? Do you just HAVE TO be different?? are you trying to be a non-conformist or something, because all they do is just conform with other non-conformists.

Posted in ~wHaT dO lAdS rEaLlY tHinK~ on 2006-04-01 08:51:38

"and personally I think saying stuff like "we gonna" and "yo'$%!@" is much stupider than putting u's in words"

Obviously you cannot tell that since i referred tupac's death that maybe, just maybe when i said "we gonna" and "yo'$%!@" i wasn't serious. You need to get some common sense. And when i said that more than half of the english speaking population lives in the US, i was talking about people who speak it as a 1st language. Im not that dumb. I have been around the world and i know that lots of people can speak english, they just cannot speak it well. And yes, cuba is better than the UK.

Posted in ~wHaT dO lAdS rEaLlY tHinK~ on 2006-03-30 01:26:32

oh yah, please stop with all of that gay $%!@ spelling like "colour" or "favourite". Just a little fyi, since more than half of the english speaking population lives in america, ya may wanna stop spelling like that before we kick your $%!@. We gonna pull a tupac on yo' $%!@.