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User: slimboy


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Posted in Shoes and socks taken off by others on 2010-06-20 01:22:20

At the end of the last lesson of the day in school, these two boys came up behind me, and one of them grabbed hold of my left foot, pulled off my shoe and threw it out the window!

Me - small, slim 15 year old, very young looking for my age (I looked 12 at most), and these boys, like almost all in my class, were bigger and stronger than me. This was just done as pure bullying because of my size and me being an easy target.

So I was left with one shoe and one sock, and fairly distressed. My feet being small and narrow and only with black ankle high socks on, I felt pretty vulnerable. Also I'd become separated from my blazer and bag which were where I'd been sitting, so I was just in skool trousers, shirt and tie when they got me.

Next thing, the two boys grabbed me by my (little) wrists. They took me by one wrist each and dragged me out in the corridor in one sock and one shoe, and dragged me up and down on the hard floor for a good while. They were laughing and smiling in a mean way and staring at my socked foot the whole time!

I pleaded with them to stop but it just made them enjoy it more!

Once they finally let go I had to run off outside to try and get my shoe back...