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User: slimboy



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Posted in Weak boys on 2012-08-09 17:07:17

I'm 22 yr old guy and my 14 yr old cousin (male) can beat me up. He runs at me, grabs me by my skinny waist and takes me down on the floor, in front of his friends or even family, and he knows there is nothing I can do. I'm a v slim boy and really defenceless physically.

Posted in Losing a shoe in public (guys only) on 2012-04-12 16:33:22

Two boys came up behind me at the end of the last lesson of the day in school after the teacher had gone. I was leaning out the window for some reason and one of my skinny little legs was sticking out behind me - He came up behind me and pulled my shoe off my foot - then threw it out the window! I was 15 but looked 12 and small and sknny and I got upset about it. I was only in my school trousers and shirt and the next thing I knew, the two boys had grabbed me by my small wrists and were dragging me out of the classroom in one shoe and one sock! They totally overpowered me as they were talller and stronger than me. I ended up hopping, with my shoeless foot raised in front of me, as they dragged me out into the corridor.

It was end of school day so the corridor was crowded with other kids. They both kept hold of my arms and dragged me all the way up and down the corridor on the hard floor, laughing and staring at my small, shoeless foot the whole time! My thin, narrow foot was dangling up in mid air in front of me cause I was trying to keep it off the floor as they were dragging me so it wouldn't get hurt. But that just made them keen to see how long I could keep that up, I suppose.

I begged and pleaded with them to stop and let me go, but they just laughed and stared at my feet. I was worried I wouldn't get my shoe back. Also I think they wanted to beat me up, or take my other shoe. Eventually I escaped, or they let me go when they'd had their fun.

Posted in Girls Bullying Boys on 2010-12-30 00:38:24

When I was going into sixth form at skool, I was 16 of course but looked like I was 12. I was 5'6" or so but really small build and thin... I went to a boys school but our sixth form linked up with various local girls and mixed schools and I went to many of my lessons at a nearby girls school. Surprise surprise, there I was bullied constantly by groups of girls, all of whom were a year or two YOUNGER than me (in Year 10 or 11). They would taunt me every day with stuff like "He looks like he's in Year 6" ... then when I turned 17 they allowed me: "He looks 13"!. They would shout this stuff after me. They would also stand around me in groups of five or six and make fun of me. I just froze and said nothing. They never did anything physical, although I felt physically threatened by them because they would linger around me as if they were about to grab me or something! Then one of em would say, "Leave it" and they'd go. I was wearing my own clothes at this stage but they were all in their uniforms. They would tease me about being skinny... called me 'the skinny boy' or 'the little boy'. Once some of them cornered me in a doorway and wouldn't let me thru, and were taunting me. It went on until I was 18 cause I still looked younger than they did. Once one girl tried to get me to come with her somewhere cause 'her friend fancied me'... she tried to insist but I refused. Who knows what that would have led to eh...

Posted in Shoes and socks taken off by others on 2010-07-11 18:07:36

When I was at school camp when I was 12, one of the other boys stole one of my shoes during the night. We'd leave our shoes just inside the tent when we were sleeping, and he took it from there! The boy didn't give me my shoe back until the last day, so I had to walk around for the rest of camp in one shoe and one sock!!

Posted in Shoes and socks taken off by others on 2010-06-26 15:59:30

Sorry to hear that Tiffany. That sounds like really harsh bullying. They were evil... And it's hard then to talk about these things until ages afterwards isn't it. How does it always happen when there's no one else around to see, none of your friends to help you out, or any teachers? I got bullied at skool and found it so embarrassing I never told anyone about most of it... I had my shoes taken too, and got victimised by boys and girls, of my own age and younger! I got my wrists and legs held down a lot, and got dragged around the place, because I was only small/thin/looked young for my age. See my post on this message board, called 'victimised in school'