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User: Smaxam00



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Posted in Judicial Punishments on 2022-11-08 00:34:15

I think that sexual enjoyment of hanging, either boys or girls, should be allowed and encouraged. This would result in more executions, which in turn would result in create in more deterrence, but would cause more informing, and many cases, more vountary confessions, since the boy and girl, if confessing, would want to be terminated in this way, so as to give them ecstacy in giving their lives for the good of other boys and girls who want to commit sexual offenses together. To this end, boys and girls should be sexually examined on a regular basis, so as to give them opportunities to pay their penalties. If they offered themselves for examination right after unprotected intercourse, they would have a natural way to make their terminations a beautiful and complete sexual experience for both themselves and those who would like to watch the process.

Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2022-08-27 14:51:01

I love your username ! If you like to do lethal things, email me at stevem AT pronetisp dot net.

Posted in Magician's assistant on 2022-08-21 04:53:30

Lump all "psychics" together? Lumping never leads to truth.I once was going to a spiritualist church in Maine due to my stepmother's desire to connect with her recently deceased husband, which was my father. The leader that evening told me that he saw music all around me. Easy enough. But he went on to say that when I played the piano I heard other instruments. Which hit pretty close to home. I always loved to play orchestral music arranged for piano. Almost no one would fall into that definition. Another time, another leader was a middle aged woman. She was talking with and "reading" the person next to me. I had a stray sexual thought or two, not about her, but I thought "I wonder if she can see that little fantasy". She turned right to me, and said, "If you don't want me to see something, I can't see it." Whoops. Pretty accurate. They always tried to give a bit of nice personal and spiritual advice when they talked with anyone.

Posted in Magician's assistant on 2022-08-21 03:14:20

I realize my posting just above is somewhat off-topic, but a few of the women here seem like they might be interested. Also, the premise is really exciting and beautiful, bu;t it does occur to me that the magician would not want to execute a girl because it would mean that his trick failed. ;)

Posted in Magician's assistant on 2022-08-20 21:12:42

Sexual tastes are funny. (peculiar) If you like it, it's Tabasco. If you don't, it's repusive. There's something very intense about combining sex and death. look at the book jacket of any 40s 50s pulpy mystery novel. Skirt up, breasts straining in a blouse, and her about to kill or be killed.