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User: Smoothluver69



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Posted in Genital Spanking on 2015-07-27 08:00:58

There is nothing wrong with being amused at sexually torturing your own child??? Anyone who condones that completely $%!@ed up attitude is 100% twisted, bent, warped, and a certified sexual psychotic. A person who gets pleasure from torturing their own child or anyone else's is one very sick and disturbed individual and if they can't control their own perverted urges they need to be locked up and shut away for the good of society in general. There is no way in hell torturing a child's genitals is an acceptable form of punishment. There is NOTHING a child could ever do to deserve that kind of humiliation and torture. Even a spanking on the butt can only be condoned if the child has purposely defied a rule they knew was wrong. Several smacks might be required just to get a message across that this is serious. Being that there is no way a child could ever deserve to receive abuse of this nature, then it is obviously being done strictly for the abuser's own sick minded pleasure. No doubt you come up with every "reason" you can conjure up for an excuse to take pleasure in your demented cruelty on a helpless child. A person who enjoys abusing and torturing their child is most certainly not going to exercise good judgement for reasons to discipline their child. Any individual in that decrepit state of mind should be confined to a place where they have no contact with children whatsoever. The very last thing you should have ever been is a parent. You need to give yourself up and confess your sordid acts of cruelty and abuse so the local authorities can lock you up where you belong.

Posted in Genital Spanking on 2015-07-27 06:40:37

Yeah.....uh huh......except you forgot about the two headed dwarf who sucked your $%!@ and tongued your $%!@ at the same time.

Posted in The Ultimate Mcdonalds Survey on 2014-12-20 15:50:16

For those of you who are chicken mcnugget lovers here's what you're actually putting in your stomach every time you eat some. Hydrogenated soybean oil that is treated with TBHQ. The other uses for TBHQ are as a stabilizer for perfume, and it's used in varnishes, resins, and oil field chemicals. It's a petroleum derivative, like gasoline. It has been shown in laboratory testing to cause stomach tumors. Some of the other ingredients are Sodium Phosphates, and Sodium Aluminum Phosphate. One of the chemical ingredients is called Dimethipolysiloxane. This chemical is commonly used for certain types of silicone such as breast implant filler. It's also used in caulks and sealants and is the key ingredient in Silly Putty. It's a mold release agent..... but best of all it works well to kill head lice! The chicken used is factory farmed chicken, meaning it has been treated with vaccines and hormones and fed with grain that has been grown with pesticides. Don't forget to use plenty of dipping sauce....those ingredients are another story by themselves. YUMMY!!