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User: sparkling girl


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Posted in Girls wearing trousers and jeans on 2012-02-22 23:46:47

Hey rebecca

We don't do any lessons online. Just with books and stuff. I am not really planning on going to college or anything. Maybe though! That would shock my entire family!

Your parents don't punish you that way? LUCKY. I don't like it much but their house their rules and they are my parents.

Speaking of cold I went ice skating over the weekend! It was a lot of fun! First time I ever did it! It was easier than I thought. My family took pictures even! I would post a picture on here but I don't know if you can?

Have you ever been ice skating?

Luckily we don't get a lot of snow often!

Posted in Girls wearing trousers and jeans on 2012-02-18 05:13:42

Hey Rebecca

It feels like I am always being watched!But I guess its cuz I always want to do things I am not suppose too. I dunno, I gotta be careful because I'll start whining about how unfair things are.

Punishments are extra chores, stuff taken away, being spanked and corner time usually. You're lucky you weren't really punished! I AM JEALOUS!!!!!!!

My home school we have a few tests and lots of assignments out of text books.. My mom goes over our assignments and stuff. usually like one assignment a day. What she teaches us is based on our age and sex.

Are pants a lot warmer in the winter? Warmer than thick tights? easier to avoid snow than a long skirt i would imagine!

Posted in Girls wearing trousers and jeans on 2012-02-09 02:21:54

Hey Rebecca,

My sisters always tell my parents if i do anything wrong. I forgot to do a chore, my fault and got into trouble. story of my life! Do your parents punish you often? Mine do!

Yea my parents, esp my mom, are very against non religious schools. and there was no local school that they liked so they've had all of us home schooled. I do wish I could go to a real school but i dont even know how it would be! The idea of sitting in a desk all day doesnt seem comfortable but idk.

Thank you very much for talking to me Rebecca! I feel like ur a friend! I hope that is ok?

Posted in Girls wearing trousers and jeans on 2012-01-29 02:22:24

hey rebecca

sorry i havent replied in a bit but i got into trouble. it was really lame but yea my sisters pretty much tell my parents everything I do. :( its annoying!

It is lonely at times. But there are advantages too so I guess it all balances out. Although the idea of a boarding school does sound exciting! Just being away from home and your parents. I couldnt even imagine! Was it your idea to go to boarding school or your parents? Going to a normal school was pretty much out of the question for me.

Posted in Girls wearing trousers and jeans on 2012-01-16 19:42:43

hey rebecca

Today when I was doing laundry I actually held up my little brothers pants to see if they would fit me. They are too small lol. I dunno how i would've snuck that but it was an idea. Probably a bad one anyways.

My sisters have never been curious. They are a lot more old fashion than I am honestly. They would probably be really upset if I even suggested such a thing and tell our parents.

What is a boarding school like? I am home schooled so it seems like something really exotic to me lol!