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User: StardustAngel587


Polls Created


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Posted in Final Fantasy VII and VIII Poll on 2002-03-30 12:42:48

If you're wondering why Seifer is up in so many votes, I partially to blame. It would of been cooler if there were yaoi questions... whatever. Nice job! ^.^

Posted in THE Final Fantasy Poll on 2002-03-30 12:30:28

========== In Reply To ========== how can people like ff7 better then ff6 & 8? cid is cooler then cloud in ff7. and zell is better then squall, obviously because zell ain't a loner. but i guess squall is cool. and rinoa? no, i don't think so. quistis, selphie, fujin, take yer pick. NOT RINOA. don't care bout any other games. just 6, 8, and occasionally 7

~Reply~ I love FF7. Have you ever played it? It is said if you like FF8 the best, you don't play RPGs that much. But FF8 is a good game, just not the best. FF7 has a great story line, characters, and other stuff. The only problem were the graphics. But hey, it was the first one of it's kind! Anyways, it's being remade for PS2 and it's going to rock! Anyways, in my opinion, this is how the FF's rank (from best to worse) 7,10,6,8,9 Thanks for voting ^.^