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User: steellord321



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Posted in Wearing Your Sandals To School on 2017-05-26 06:19:38

I wear flip flops when it's warm. Started last year in 6th grade. It's convenient also cause we have to wear sandals for gym showers anyway. Still, not many guys wear them all day and i do get teased for it. I have big toes apparently...But gay guys say i'm hot with them which i take as a huge compliment

It keeps me cool when it's 90 and it's more free. I just take em off and go barefoot when i'm sitting and can wiggle my toes and such

Posted in Boys in sandals - Were you forced to wear sandals? on 2017-05-24 08:13:49

I remember the first day of 7th grade they told us to bring sandals for PE showers. We all thought this was strange because we weren't allowed to wear sandals in class and walking down the hall carrying sandals only (they provided the kit, soap and towel) would look weird. But in my case, my only sandals were old, barely fit, and had just that embarrassing strap near the big toe, not the cooler 2 straps

So i didn't bring mine and asked my mom to buy a more up to date pair. In the meantime i would say i forgot, if called on it

The next day, after about 30 minutes of workout, the showers came next. To my surprise, every single guy had brought sandals, and a couple had the old fashioned kind. Still, i was the only one teased. But not too badly. I think they respected i had the guts to disobey and go barefoot. I also realized what this meant - despite the unspoken rule to not look down, if they were looking at my feet, they were definitely seeing my $%!@. Somehow though, i felt even more naked without sandals. Also the floor felt cold and hard on my toes. Still, the sense of freedom and the fun of 'kicking' the water around was worth it

Then the gym teacher emerged with a checklist. He had to make sure we used soap. During this time, he noticed i didn't have sandals and called me over. He said that so long as i didn't wear sandals i wouldn't get to use a towel either! So the next few days i had to stand around naked and air dry as the others got dressed. He also scolded me for not using soap on my $%!@. In the stress over being caught, i had forgot. I was grateful for the reminder

Posted in do pools have urine detection? on 2017-05-19 04:38:25

I think they must because i don't know how else they could've caught several of us in my swimming lessons class peeing in the pool, after the warning what would happen. I know i was very careful to not be seen, yet they knew i did. For the rest of the week they had us pee in front of the instructor in the shower drains before we could enter the pool

I carried this lesson in adulthood. One day in the ymca showers a boy asked what i was doing. I explained it's important to not pee in the pool. He then decided this was a good idea and started to pee into the same drain! Then a couple of his friends came over and joined us

Posted in Your Circumcision Scar on 2017-05-07 20:40:20

I don't think it's a scar per se but an area above my head and below the normal shaft...after searing it's called "sulcus"

I quickly became embarrassed about it in middle school when we started to shower. I was the only cut boy so i felt very exposed with my $%!@ head fully visible. On top of it, they made fun of this sulcus area as it was quite veiny

Posted in Guys only: In the showers on 2017-05-06 01:34:45

At my school you would've just been called a $%!@ for this