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User: tallgirlover



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Posted in Girls lifting boys on 2019-06-27 01:00:23


Very nice story I hope she still lifts you up, although now u r both 16 and your friend must be in the 6ft3 or 4 range. Are you lifting each other still if so do you enjoy being high up on her.

Stay friends and be good to her you will both enjoy many activities together.

How tall are you both 3yrs. later Its great to have a close female friend, to share stories and do many things together.

Have great together in school and in life.

take care

Posted in Girls lifting boys on 2019-06-16 02:50:39

Hi Namename

I liked all your stories did these take place about 3yrs ago.

How did you like being lifted by Maddie and Kylie.

Are you still friends u have any other stories like these

Like to read them.

Thanks Jeff

Posted in Girls lifting boys on 2019-06-16 02:41:12

Hi Shortyz

Did you enjoy when your friends sister lifted and carried you. Since it was 7 yrs ago

u r both older does she still lift you, u r still friends? And with her brother.

Any other stories like to read then


Posted in Girls lifting boys on 2019-06-16 02:40:47

Hi Shortyz

Did you enjoy when your friends sister lifted and carried you. Since it was 7 yrs ago

u r both older does she still lift you, u r still friends? And with her brother.

Any other stories like to read then


Posted in Girls lifting boys on 2019-06-16 02:27:49

Hello Borfish

How long ago was this story. Are you friends with her must have been nice to be with her knowing what she was able to do.

Any other stories with her or others I'd like to read them

