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User: theboy


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Posted in Restraining Kids (harness, leash etc.) on 2013-04-02 17:31:25

When I saw this poll I assumed it meant harness and reins, so I'm surprised so many people use a collar and leash on their children, which seems quite harsh. I can see why it is practical, particularly for restraining older children who are too big for harnesses , as in the case above, but I certainly would not have liked it if my mom had kept me collared and leashed regularly. Perhaps it works as an occasional humiliating punishment,eg child is acting up at home and mom wants a bit of peace and quiet so uses a collar and leash to tie him up safely in the back yard, as one would a dog. But every day use in public, I think that is quite cruel. Does anyone agree/disagree?

Posted in "Sissy" pageboy/ring-bearer outfits on 2013-04-01 19:05:35

This happened in the late seventies when I had just become a teenager. I was quite happy when my aunt told me that I was going to be the pageboy at my (female) cousin's wedding. Note that I did not say "asked", my aunty was a formidable lady and when she decided on something, that was it!

Pageboys were not that common then, but the ones that I had seen were generally younger and wearing clothes similar to the groom's, but maybe with shorts. So being older I expected to wear something similar, but with long trousers of course.

So I was quite surprised when I was "summoned" to my aunts house with the brides maids for a measure-up ( my aunt was making the dresses). The bridesmaids were friends of my cousin, all in their late teens, and were excited. I on the other hand was somewhat confused as why I was there. This was explained by my aunt when I was being measured up; she was going to make me a tunic of the same matirial as the bridesmaid's dresses and showed my the satiny fabric which was a king of lilac ( it was the seventies!)

I blushed immediately and knew that the end result was going to be sissyish but knew better to argue with my aunt. I assumed it would be worn with trousers,but was soon put right when I later asked what kind of trousers would I be wearing and my aunt firmly said "you will be wearing tights, dear."

I tried arguing with my mum later, but she just said it was my aunty's decision and that I would have to discuss it with her. I was determined to do this, but at the next "fitting session" I chickened out and ended up wearing the tunic with ribbed white tights. The tunic had a round collar, long sleeves which puffed out at the end before ending in a snug cuff, and a sash belt made of the same matierial which my aunt tied in a bow at my back. The skirted part flared slightly and came down to mid-thigh. My aunt had done a good job but that was no consolation, I was going to look a right sissy!

Please take this poll: www.misterpoll.com/polls/577450 Thanks!

Posted in Men in tights (male crossdressers only) on 2013-04-01 13:02:39

Please take this poll: www.misterpoll.com/polls/577450 Thanks!

Posted in boys wearing tights on 2013-04-01 12:58:26

Please take my poll: www.misterpoll.com/polls/577450 Thanks!