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User: ticklebully


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Posted in Schoolboy Pinning on 2020-05-21 03:53:23

actually, that kid (the armpit tickle-torturer) might have been you, because it doesn't mention anyone's age (other than they were 3 boys in "boarding school", which could mean any age from middle school, junior high, or high school).

"Google" MeetFighters.com (armpit tickling) and it will tell the whole story. The interest group is PIN LOVERS, and the author is "schoolboy pinner" (though his name is crossed out because I think he was kicked out of the group). The post is dated 8-6-2016.

If that dude isn't you, you have an evil twin tickler out there!

Posted in Schoolboy Pinning on 2020-05-20 05:37:45

Thanks for the info! I feel your pain (or should I say "laughter"). My boyfriend Steve knows how ticklish I am, and he gave me a good "work-out" today, so to speak, on the sofa tonight...my biggest mistake was trying to tickle HIM; I won't make that mistake again (well, I might, just to get him riled up to torture me a bit).

By the way I read a story on another website that sounded like the guys from your school. One boy (who wrote the story) said he and his other two friends were in their underwear, when one of the guys pinned down another kid (using the schoolboy pin hold) and tortured his armpits for 15 or 20 minutes...forcing his 'victim" to submit over & over again. The kid watching the tickle-torture then challenged the winner to a match, and he suffered the same fate (being pinned and tickled). This sounded SO much like you I was wondering if you were one of those three boys? or if you even saw this story? Not sure if I can mention this other website or not.

Posted in Schoolboy Pinning on 2020-05-18 03:45:26

damn bro...you must have been one AWESOME tickler in junior high school! I remember you said that kid was screaming so loud that the girls ran in to see who was being "hurt"; and now you tell me it was you who was doing the tickling! I'm sure at least a few of those girls got turned on seeing you tickle the crap out of that kid (and making him scream in agony). I would have been "turned on" right then & there...and you would have known that by the size of my "tent" (watching you tickle that boy).

Was there a special "technique" that you used back then...maybe the way your wiggled your fingers under his armpits? or did you tickle his ribcage instead? did you tickle him fast, or slow? The victims that me and Steve tickle-torture never really "scream" that loud; maybe because they are adults (they laugh hysterically and beg for mercy, but no real "loud" screams).

It's awesome that you still remember all this. I bet your tickle victims do too! I'm sure that boy you armpit tickled until he peed STILL remembers the torture you put him through; plus the laughter from the other boys as he was crying and you were spitting in his face.

Bro, our tickle fights would be called TICKLEMANIA!

Posted in Schoolboy Pinning on 2020-05-13 03:45:01

by the way bro I remember you mentioned (a while ago) that one time a kid in your gym class was being tickled so hard by another boy that his screams drew the attention of the girls who were outside the locker room, and they ran in because they thought that kid was being tortured (well, he was)...by any chance were you the tickler, or maybe that cute new student who started the tickle craze at your school?

I know when you tickled that other boy's armpits he was begging for mercy, but was he SCREAMING that loud too? was it the same wimpy boy as this other time? do you remember?

Posted in Schoolboy Pinning on 2020-05-12 02:39:45

again I can't get enough of that tickling incident (s) that you describe at your school; it's awesome that you guys loved to tickle-torture each other and got away with it (we NEVER would have gotten away with that; at either my middle school or high school). That you were able to administer such a brutal torture (and yeah bro; it was brutal) only makes me wish I had gone to YOUR school!

I get it that some of the boys who just endured a major-league tickling would have hard-ons in the showers; I would have had a hard-on just watching you tickle that wimp almost to death, as well as watching that new boy who introduced all the boys to the art of tickling (as a wrestling submission hold).

To answer your questions, I never measured my biceps, nor am I am what you would call a "gym bunny". I have a nice, toned, swimmer's build and guys tell me my abs are nice; my $%!@ too...I guess you can say I'm built like most of the swimmers at the Summer Olympics. I lift weights but have no idea how much I can bench (I usually work-out with 30-50 lbs. weights, take a breather, then run the track or swim indoors).

No worries about being the victim of a stinky fart in the face; it's just something we do to the old man upstairs, just to humiliate him more (just like you humiliated that kid in school by spitting in his face after tickling him for 10 minutes straight).

If we ever did meet, if you wanna get tickled without mercy, me and my brah Steve can, and WILL, do it...I always had a dream of tickling another guy until he passes out; we can't do it to our sugar daddy upstairs because he might have a heart attack. You, on the other hand, sound like you can take it!