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User: ticklebully



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Posted in Schoolboy Pinning on 2021-03-10 03:25:15

I wanna add that my biggest "fantasy" isn't really a fantasy, because it happened; but I didn't get to see it. So I can only imagine how terrified and humiliated that kid (that you almost tickled to death) felt. I gotta ask: what made you torture him so bad, especially since you were only in junior high? I had seen boys tickle other boys when I was in that age group but never to the point of actual TORTURE.

Did you wanna impress some of the guys in the locker room...or did you just enjoy bullying your victim? did you have any idea how bad you were torturing him, or you just didn't care? I know he peed himself, and that was humiliation enough...but why did you spit in his face (especially since he was crying, as you had told me in another post).

Even that hot boy who introduced all you guys to the art of tickle-torture stopped after his opponent screamed his submission and begged him to stop...don't get wrong; I would have loved to have seen you do that (armpit tickle another kid for 10 minutes until his bladder can't take it) but I'm just curious what your mindset was...

Posted in Schoolboy Pinning on 2021-03-10 03:12:53

ha ha...me against you? well, I have been working out lately (my boyfriend and I work out together) so I may be a real challenge for you if I ever got my hands around your body. Tickling? like you just said: DUH! I would do my best to keep you pinned down and tickle you a bit (at first) just to weaken you; then once I had you on the mat, and securely pinned, I would tickle both of your armpits at the same time and keep asking if you give up or "tap" (then again, if you are stronger than me, you can be the one tickling me into hysteria).

No one in our gym class wore jock straps; only the wrestlers under their singlets. I was buddies with most of them and after a meet I would wait downstairs in the lockers for the wrestlers to get out of their singlets, lather & shower, and get dressed (just so I could watch them).

yeah, we would shower after gym class but not always; depended how cold it was in the locker room. We certainly would never get away with the type of tickle-TORTURE you and your friends got away with (lucky you!). If the gym teacher ever caught you tickling another boy until he was bawling his eyes out and then spit in his face, you probably would have been expelled (or at least suspended).

Posted in Schoolboy Pinning on 2021-03-06 16:05:57

dude...where the hell have you been? I thought you were abducted by a UFO. It's actually been a while since me and my brah tickle-tortured anyone; that old dude we would hustle doesn't wanna see us anymore...he can't it take the torture we put him thru (by the way we did finally get him to pee himself; my brah Steve was tickling his armpits without mercy while I was poking his rib-cage; he came close to passing out, and his couch is ruined).

How have you been? I STILL get a "tent" thinking about you tickling your schoolmate (under the armpits) until he peed himself...as well as that other boy who introduced all of you to the worst torture known to man (and boys): TICKLING!

If I went to school with you guys we all would have had lots of fun; trust me!

Posted in Schoolboy Pinning on 2020-05-26 04:34:04

Hey bro...I'm kinda disappointed that it wasn't you who was doing the tickling (it sounded so much like you, from the schoolboy pinning to the tight underwear); that's what attracted me to you in the first place...I can picture how hot you were in school, and I'm sure still are! But the main thing was tickle TORTURE; the worst punishment you can do to another guy. I have tickled guys, and I've paid hot, muscular kids to tickle other boys for years now...to the point of crying, sobbing screaming, faces turning red and difficulty breathing.

It was always best when a kid good at wrestling was the tickler, and the victim either a fat loser or skinny wimp. Sometimes we bullied the victim for money, other times just for fun, and sometimes for BOTH. I will never forget the look of terror and fear when the loser was pinned to the ground and I would ask him "dude, are you ticklish"? He would scream before me or my buddy even laid one finger into his rib cage or armpit.

we were never able to tickle-torture in school, other than a quick jab or two in the ribs during gym or at the lockers (not like you guys did anyway). All of our torture was outdoors (skate park or wooded area) or where we rode our bikes. I'll never forget the first time I saw a kid pee in his shorts after me and a buddy of mine tickled him for 7 or 8 minutes straight; I got tired but my buddy (who wrestled for the team) finished the job. The kid, a fat dude who had the loudest scream, couldn't move for a few minutes after we were done. I also got a big kick out of seeing the other kids who were hanging around (watching us tickle) laugh at him. We also threatened to "tickle him to death" if he told anyone. We generally left him alone after one or two more tickle-attacks (which were not as intense) but he paid us "protection money" to protect his sides and armpits from our fingers. damn, those were the days!

Posted in Schoolboy Pinning on 2020-05-21 03:55:39

P.S. - the story mentions the "schoolboy pin", of course, and also that all three boys were in their underwear and the tickler made his opponent submit...over and over again.