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User: tighty whitey



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Posted in What do you come out of bath in? on 2006-01-11 01:38:35

I am 15 y/o male and I always leave the door open when I am taking a bath. Friends, family and visitors, male and female all see me bare naked in the tub, and they talk to me when they come in the bathroom - I don't care who sees me naked. When I am done with my bath, I walk out into the living room naked and let everyone have a look at what I have. I like having everyone see me bare, especially the females.

Posted in Jockstraps today on 2005-12-05 01:06:20

I am 15 y/o male, and I wear nothing but my jock strap out mowing the lawn and doing yard work. If I wear shorts or underpants, they get all wet in my butt-crack as my crack is hairy and I sweat a lot, so it is better if my crack is bare. I don't really care who sees my bare a-s-s, and girls will come over and talk to me while I am mowing the lawn and I enjoy having them see my bare butt. I try and bend over a lot so they can get a better look at my bare a-s-s - I love showing it off. Some of my jocks are really loose and my hairy bag hangs out, and I love having the girls look at it! Sometimes I get compliments on my a-s-s and my b-a-l-l-s.

Posted in A Male's Pubic Hair on 2005-11-21 00:36:15

In reply to your being nude at home and having to shave your pubes: I am 16 y/o male and I also go nude at home all the time. My parents are ok with it, too, but they make me keep my pube bush shaved totally because I have a thick bush and they kept finding the hairs everywhere. My sis complained that my b-a-l-l-s are too hairy and that I have too much hair up my a-s-s crack, so now my mom makes me get up on a table once a week on my back with my legs spread open, and she shaves my entire c-r-o-t-c-h and all around my hole. I don't mind, as it is nice and smooth now and feels nice, epecially when my girl sleeps over and we have s-e-x. She likes it too, and so does my sis and her girlfriends that come over to visit. Mom lets me jack right in the living room, and it is easier to clean up.

Posted in bathroom habits on 2005-09-26 00:05:10

I am 15 y/o male, and was brought up with many sisters and brothers, where everyone used the bathroom together - the door was never closed, so I am used to having everyone see me going potty and peeing - it doesn't bother me at all to have anyone see me - male or female. My girlfriend and I do a lot of hiking in the woods, and when I have to take a dump, I just take my pants and briefs off so they won't get crap on them, and I stand up with my legs spread apart, lean forward a little, and drop my loads and pee while she is watching and we are talking - she is used to seeing me take a dump like that. Sometimes her girlfriend is with us and she sees me too. Since we have such a large family, my brothers and I are allowed to mastur-bate freely at home whenever we need to, no matter who is there. Sometimes we have our male friends over and we watch a porn flick in the living room, and we all take our pants and underpants off and just stay like that for the evening and jack off in front of my mom, and my sisters and her girlfriends. We walk around all evening totally naked from the waist down, eating popcorn, playing games, and chatting with the girls - everyone is used to it and it is cool!

Posted in My wife and I disagree on how to raise our 3 sons. on 2005-06-21 23:23:43


I am 15 y/o male, and I totally agree that boys should be allowed in their home or on their property outside in briefs or boxers. I wear nothing but tighty-whities all summer long outside in the yard, mowing the lawn, etc. Sometimes I ride my bike around the neighborhood wearing just my white briefs, and even ride to the store with my mom in her car in my briefs, especially when it is really hot outside. I have no problem with people seeing me in my underpants, and nobody has ever said anything negative. They cover my privates, and that's all that matters.