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User: Vyperion274



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Posted in Pregnant Wives and Mens Attitudes on 2007-04-28 02:14:39

You aren't wierd, it's normal to be concerned that you might harm the baby inside if you get too vigorous.

Just like any form of sex it can be enjoyable but is often by tastes. Vaginal is common but some prefer oral and $%!@ over it while others find those repunant.

I've had sex with an almost 9 months pregnant woman and it was one of the most tender and incredible nights of passion I have ever had. Being careful only added to the atmosphere and just made her so much hotter for it.

Posted in Bisexual on 2007-02-11 07:22:57

I can relate to that. Although I prefer women I do enjoy sex with men, sometimes more so.

My boyfriend atm is also my best friend. He was bi-curious but one night he got blown off while my girlfriend was away so I invited him to stay over. We got nicely drunk and he started asking about my other relationships. I started talking about a couple of old boyfriends, he made several sarcastic comments and I basically challenged him with "How do you know if you've never tried". He always said bi-curious so I offered. It started with a kiss and in our less inhibited state we ended up in bed together. We just knew how to push each others buttons and had the most incredible sex all through the night. He stays over quite regularly now, sometimes we prefer it over hetero-sex.

Romantically I prefer my girlfriend casue we make love but sometimes I just feel like sex.

Posted in Am I "blowing things out of proportion"? on 2006-08-03 00:34:26

It seems to me that what ticks you off is the fact that he has lost interest in you but seems to still be interested in general.

I'll say it now that I don't think you are blowing it out of proportion too much. Guys look, sometimes, just out of avid curiosity but if it's every attractive woman that passes by then there's something going on even if it's only in his head.

There is an underlying problem in that there's a lack of communication - either you haven't explained it to him (hints never work, billboards do) OR he's unwilling to talk about it (obstinence is a wonderful thing isn't it?). Spell it out in black and white that it really hurts you when he does this and that he leaves you feeling unsatisfied. Even use the word 'sex' clearly and concisely, say that you want more not less and if he can't perform fligrante that he needs to learn other ways to satisfy you.

Marriage is a partnership that should be worked on continuously with problems aired and compromised on. If one partner wants more than the other then you need to find a happy medium that doesn't disappoint you both.

If I were married to a woman of your description at the age of 40 I would praise God for every day I spend with you.

Posted in SNOTTY popular girls in your school! on 2006-07-26 00:22:32

I remember one girl I used to know and she was quite stuck-up. Looked down on eevryone who wasn't part of her in-crowd.

A couple of years later we met up in a bar and started talking. She said how she really enjoyed teasing me asnd that she wanted to make it up to me. We had sex for about a week until she tosssed me aside saying it only a bit of fun. I got her back though - I slept with her sister and her mother (once BOTH togeether).

Posted in Sibling Exploring on 2006-07-25 04:54:31

Because Sex is natural no matter who you copulate with. Society brougth about this whole taboo about sibling sex being amoral but incest occurs quite often in nature.

I myself spent a good few years being my sister's rock. Any bad relationship she had finished and I would comfort her. One time our mothereven caught us in the middle of doing it but rather than freak out she gave us the details of why we shouldn't.