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User: walrus


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Posted in Queen vs Led Zeppelin on 2005-12-02 05:00:48

I could give you hundreds of statistics to show you that Zep is better and more popular than Queen (replace n with r), but I'll just tell you to get a Zep cd, listen to the songs, and youll know why Zep rocks more than Queen. I am 13, but I know good music when I hear it. Also, my poll was not bias, even though I am, and i dont give crap whether Freddie Mercury is gay or if Jimmy Page is Satanist, I like music because its music. So quit complaining. Do you even know any Queen songs other than, like, We Are The Champions? bet not!

Posted in Queen vs Led Zeppelin on 2005-11-25 21:42:52

You have your opinions, I'm not saying Queen sucks, I don't like them. All I'm saying is, regardless of what you people say, Led Zeppelin rocks! End of discussion!

Posted in Queen vs Led Zeppelin on 2005-11-25 21:26:02

shut up, I get the point.

Posted in Queen vs Led Zeppelin on 2005-11-25 21:24:44

dude, I get the point, shut up! If you think Queen is better than Zep, you don't know your music!

Posted in Greatest Beatles Song Ever on 2005-11-13 03:50:14

I agree 100%, good poll, but hard to chose just one. Revolution and Taxman are awesome songs, but you missed the very best, The End. Also, I think Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End should be one song, since they can't be separated really.

P.S. Beatles ROCK!!!!