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User: Wedgie_Boy



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Posted in girls against boys real high school fights on 2005-07-27 15:34:54

Uh, wrong

What ever happened to everybody being equal? Girls can get as muc heart when you kick them between the legs.

Posted in Your worst wedgie on 2005-03-26 23:45:58

It's like a normal wedgie but worst.

Posted in jokes & pranks on 2005-03-11 21:14:53

My Pranke

Itching powder down the panties. Ithing powder is my favorite prank

Posted in Sleepover pranks on 2005-03-11 21:07:55

A couple of years ago I was at a sleepover at my cousin's house. I was normally the first person to go to sleep, so I was always the one who got pranked. Well that year they stipped me of my clothes and put a diaper of my filled with itching powder! When I woke up i nearly scratched my balls off.

Posted in Why girls win? on 2005-02-22 21:57:34

Here's the straight up truth to all of these sexest polls. Trues, females ted to live longer but that is pretty much it. There is no smarter sex (even though MEN has made more contributions to the world than females.) Females have better lower body strength. Males have better upper body strenghts. Females tend to take advange of the who balls thing but all that is is a punks move. "I'm going to take advantage of a guy by kicking him in the balls," All that proves is how crazy some females can be. And if you notice, t.v. (especially kid shows today) tend to go in favor of females. Like showing females being more cultured in a world without men, and men being slobs. WTF! The only real difference between men and wome is Women tend to think with their heart more then men. That can be good and bad. It's good because it makes women better parents but it's bad because that only prove why they wuldn't be effecient leaders.