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RummyG- I don't mean to speak for Bhavna here, but her sexual activities are none of your business. You also mention it as if premarital sex and getting an education are mutually exclusive. Many college-age people are actually able to handle a serious relationship and do well in school, believe it or not!

I think the poll is biased, but I can't really think of a way to change the questions without losing the whole point. I do see issues of self-hatred like this in the ABCD community, and I'm glad someone had the guts to spell it out and ask the tough questions. Let's see what the results have to say.

========== In Reply To ========== Bhavna, how old are you? Have you engaged in penile-vaginal intercourse while persuing your undergrad? If so, does your father know his daughter has engaged in such things while 'studying' at school? How many sexual partners have you had?


Posted in Jesus on 2002-02-05 03:00:31

You say that using the bible to prove that the bible is right is "foolish", yet in a diffrenet poll you used scientific evidence to prove that evolution was right. Is that not the same thing? I could be wrong though, after all I am dealing with a "theologian".

It does not make her racist or immature if she does not like black men. That is her personal preference. Believe me she is not missing anything that she cannot get from any other man. Black men need to get some self-esteem and take pride in their own culture instead of being so insecure and desperate for white women's approval and the white man's envy. You just come off as an insecure self-hating fool with your desperate talk of "Oh please white woman validate me as a man". The white people on this board seem to pity all of the self-hating, insecure black men on this site.

========== In Reply To ========== You have the diease of America, racism.

You don't know what it is that you have experienced and because of your shallow thinking you probably never will. There are too many variables involved in why you you seem to find black men speaking to you. It could be your mode of dress, your $%!@ in your pants, maybe you are more attractive that you realize. It could be the men from the neighborhood that you are in and just a certain social grouping that you are encountering. Moreover, in response to you indication that you would never date a black man is because of your infection.. You would not allow yourself to get to know a black man and then if you did, you would probably be so embarassed by what your friends,neighbors and white people in general would think that you would not be able to focus on the eprson that ou would be getting to know, if it could get that far. Black men are just as varied in thier persons as any other group and under the conditions in which we have had to stirve have proven that we are as good as they come. My brothers and I continue to deal with the disease of America. Things have improved in many ways, however, the legacy of hundreds of years of slavery and oppresion continue to dog us. This, in the attitudes of the dominate culture, the fact that almost every thing that has been aquired in this country has been at the expense of my fathers ancestors, the Natives of this land and my mothers ancestors, the slaves that built this economy through the cultivation of Rice, tobacco and cotton, with out ever recieving payment. Now consider, all of this toil and strife for lo these many years , there have been few estates for these ancestors to leave thier decendants and therefore less riches in our communities. Our people have been miseducated and plotted against for centuries and we continus to grow despite the efforts to keep us pinned. We are truly great.

Little girl, you have a week understanding of history and people, evidenced by your statement. I forgive your ignorance and embrace you with love, for that is the only thing that will cure Amreica and make us one people. That will make us truly strong. Go study something!

America be true to the ideals that you espouse! Remain a Hypocrite and the world will come to hate you in ways that you are too blind to see!


== In Reply To ========== you won't believe how many black men holler at me from everywhere. i consider myself an attractive woman (5'7, 125, blonde hair, blue eyes, physically fit) but it seems like black men in general have a thing for me. I don't understand why this happens whereas you rarely see a black woman get hit on by white men so openly. and why do the black guys like us white girls so much? I've never dated one, and probably never will, but they seem to want to date me badly. black girls walk by them in the same neighborhood, and only a few of them get hit on and the black guys aren't nearly as enthusiastic about it. i don't get it.

Black men are not any more beautiful, exciting or have more to offer than any other races of men. You say you are a victim of racism then state your prejudice comments. Get your head out of the sand.

========== In Reply To ========== I think the survey is assinine in its' structure and is grossly inaccurate. Moreover, it is designed in such a way as to be an insult to black women. I see women everywhere and am attracted to women, black, white asian and otherwise. The attraction is simply because someone has certain features that are beautiful. There are gorgous woman of all races. There ugly women all over and in every race. Besides that beauty on the outside is a fleeting thing. I find that there are just as many unattractive women in one race as there are in the next and I should know, I have been doing surveys for well over 40 years. I draw my opinion of why black men are drawn to white women, when the opportunity arises from my own experience. We have been treated( black men) as out casts and white women have always been portrayed as desireable yet denied too us as though we were beneath them. Personally, I have always been competitive and pretty much a show off. I just like to leave them craving for more of what I don't believe hat other man can offer them in the way of strength, beauty, expression, style, sex loving and manliness. I also feel that the white mans fear of black men is somewhat justified as our culture is so colorful and different. Moreover, we like to win. I have always seen white men with black women and they have a tendency to flaunt it. With all of the rape that black women suffered through the years at the hands of whites, I resent it that thier grand daughters are now willig lying down with the rapist grandsons.

I do not hate any one or race, but I see what is. The whole issue is one of foolishness that is the end result of oppression of my people, for the sake of economic gain.

P.S. I just love the female form in all shapes and sizes.