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User: Yomama


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Posted in Kerry-Best canidate to vs. Bush? on 2004-06-03 00:48:23

========== In Reply To ========== I'll tell you what pal, go to this poll and complain to the poll maker about being bias.


Until I see you do that, there is no way I'll take you seriously. You dumbass. Polls are supposed to be unbiased. Your just trying to shameless plugg your views which is pretty sad really.

Posted in How Do You Feel About John Kerry on 2004-06-03 00:25:24

========== In Reply To ========== 1st of all im not a republican, i am a libertarian. And if u look at all the polls that have to do with bush, u will see that they are so biased to the left (like 98% of our countries media outlets) that i was making this poll as a form of satire. Ok I'm sorry but your terribly stupid. First off, if you were a liberal you would know that the the media is crashing into a conservative propganda outlet (like, oh I don't know... FOX). So seriously, shut your face dude.

Posted in How Do You Feel About John Kerry on 2004-06-03 00:23:33

========== In Reply To ========== Kerry voted for the war. . . but is now against it. . . .

Kerry supports taking BACK the tax cuts for UPPPER class people and businesses

This poll is terribly biased, and is obviously proposed by a republican, and I'd like to say -- it's typical of a republican, to rather than give two choices, give one choice. . . two different ways. Kudos at being conservative. . . but for Bushbaby to win, you'll have to do ALOT more than that. Hey, I'm sorry to put it in such basic terms but Word that Father. Lets make sure we let the republicans know we're tired of one choice. Theirs.