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Controversy / Morality


Does discrimination still exist? 2002-04-15
While discrimination based on race, gender, religion, and sexual preference is illegal, prejudice...
What do you think of Americans? (For Canadians) 2004-05-23
This poll is created to find out what Canadians think of their Southern neighbors.
Men's view on how women are portrayed in the media 2005-06-23
This poll is designed to find out what men think about the objectification of women in the media.
Sleeping in underwear? 2006-04-14
many teens and adults sleep in underwear: Is it ethical? Is it biblical?
"Clothing Optional" 2004-10-11
IF clothing became optional anyplace at anytime , would you take your clothes off or leave them ...
Photography in public...FEMALE OPINIONS ONLY! 2008-05-22
I do a lot of photography in natural settings. Usually there is nobody but me and the wildlife bu...
Same-sex prom dates 2003-07-02
When I was in high school, I was asked to leave my senior prom by the principle because my date w...
Judicial Execution 2006-10-07
What form of Judicial Execution do you prefer?
Sexual inequality in Execution (historical) 2011-12-29
I have already made a poll concerning the sexual inequality in corporal punishment. This poll can...
Are None spanking punishments more cruel to children? 2012-06-01
No child wants to be spanked, but then noone wants to be punished at all. Many children are not a...
for girls and boys 2008-11-09
for girls and boys
Age appropriate boundaries 2016-12-06
Boundaries between parents and their kids, considering age and gender.
Prostitution 2006-02-12
Views on the oldest profession
Homosexuality 2008-06-02
Your views on it.
Important Issues in Society 2005-12-06
A question to see which issue is most important to you.
Alcohol 2008-03-01
Young women - Older men 2010-07-18
Circumcision: Risk v. Benefits 2017-07-05
<p>Surgery is serious business. It's only done in cases where the benefits clearly outweig...
Child Maturity and Today's Society 2001-11-09
This is a series of questions dealing with what children should or should not be allowed to do at...
Sluts / morality 2013-12-17
A poll about sluts and moral behavior
Child Discipline Methods 2014-01-27
Seeking to find the popular opinion on modern child discipline and what people believe in and thi...
Assault or justice? 2014-06-23
<p>14-year-old Michael lives with his mother and his 9-year-old sister Abigail. Last year ...
This is just to see what some people's opinions are about pre-marital sex and having babies out o...
Is marijuana dangerous? 2004-03-09
This poll is for you to answer some questions about marijuana, and give you a chance to share you...
How Old Is Old Enough 2004-11-11
For age based laws and other responsibilities--how old should a person be. Average ages will be ...