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Obesity 2005-05-05
I need to have some questions done for hw, thats all, its about obesity
Best Pop Round 5 2005-05-03
Which pop is better?
What is your fav. jones soda? 2005-04-26
whatever your fav jones sodas are put them here
Do Strawberries Give You Brainfreeze? 2005-04-21
Strawberries always give me brainfreeze, but my friends say they never do. How about you?
slurpee flavours 2005-04-02
what is the your favorite
Favourite Food Poll 2005-03-16
Choose your favourite food!
Fast Food Consumption 2005-01-31
This is just a little poll to see how often ppl eat fastfood~
Learning Gourmet Cooking 2005-01-18
Would you, if available, take cooking classes to learn how to make gourmet foods/deserts like you...
Favouite Food 2005-01-07
My poll is about to see which foods have the best taste and are the best
Fast food restaurant 2004-10-23
When there is no time to cook, fast food is here to save us.
Food allergies 2004-09-13
What food allergies do you have? THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE "INTOLERANCES", LIKE LACTOSE IN...
Favourite food at McDonalds 2004-09-09
I like to eat at McDonalds and was just wondering what other people's favourite food is.
What's You're Favourite Food? 2004-08-29
What's You're Favourite Food?
whats your favorite food? 2004-08-17
sinple question...whats your favorite food?
Fast Food---what's your preference? 2004-08-16
Which of the burger joints do you prefer? Pick one.
Questions about fast food 2004-07-06
What do you think of fast food? or the staffs in restaurants?
Fast Food 2004-06-22
I want to survey how much fast food permeate into our daily lives. Please poll.
FAST FOOD 2004-06-07
The fast food industry needs some sort of motive to change its unsanitary ways.
Organic Food Survey 2004-05-23
What are your thoughts on organic foods?
fast food 2004-05-04
Do you eat it? Do you like it?
Breaking the Fast Food Fast 2004-03-23
Friday, March 19th will be the 30th day since I gave up fast food. To reward myself for my willpo...
What food would you totally pig out on? 2004-02-23
Being on a diet is hard... sometimes you cheat. Even though you WON'T cheat- if you did, what wou...
Chewing someone else's food for them 2003-12-19
Would you do it?
How much junk food do u eat? Are you healthy? 2003-12-18
I'm writing an essay on the dangers of junk food and i would really appreciate your vote. Thank you.
What's Your Favorite Food? 2003-11-28
What is your absolute fave food out there?