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What is your favourite flavour of ice cream? 2006-03-04
This is just... a random poll!
fast foods 2006-03-09
What is your faviot place to eat
Sandwiches!!! 2006-03-12
CAN the sandwich be one's favorite food!?
Late Night Eating 2006-03-23
What is your favorite late night restaurant?
Favorite Ice Cream store 2006-03-24
I am wondering if people prefer Dairy Queen or Braums.
Asking one simple question 2006-03-30
just asking a simple question
Food Contamination Phobias 2006-03-31
What does it take to make you abandon a dish?
Sweet tooth 2006-03-31
A poll about everything sweet! From chocolate to ice cream to chocolate ice cream!
Perfect Restaurant 2006-04-04
This poll has to do with the project to create the perfect restaurant. It is the first of many to...
The Help-Gina-with-her-Art-Project Poll 2006-04-25
I'm working on an art project about emotional eating. I need your help in determining what the po...
Pies 2006-04-26
For all you pie-lovers round the world, help us solve the culinary world's biggest debate...
Milk or Dark Chocolate 2006-04-28
Which type of chocolate do you prefer?
eating disorder poll 2006-05-01
heyy id would super appreciate it if you took this for me. its for my sophy project ! thanksss :]
Wendy's Frosty 2006-05-09
What is it???
What is your favourite drink? 2006-07-08
Find out what the uks favourite drink is.
Randomness 22 2006-07-20
Totally Random Things
Food Rox! 2006-08-11
Yum! Food!
favorite ice cream 2006-09-04
Whats your favorite ice cream? Mines mints chip!
Classic Coke/Pepsi 2006-09-22
Granola bars: crunchy or chewy? 2006-09-25
whick is better? crunchy or chewy granola bars
ice cream 2006-09-25
favorite ice cream
Pizza Buffet 2006-10-02
This poll is just made to find out how Xtreme u go in Pizza Buffets
Candy Bar 2006-10-09
Your favorite types of candy.
Short-time poll 2006-10-13
This poll is just on here for more immediate results and will not be on for long. Cast your vote ...
Wedding Cake 2006-10-25
Looking to find out if people are trendy or traditional. What's you cake-Q for the wedding?