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Paranormal stuff? 2002-01-30
Have you ever experienced tele/psychokinesis, seen someone's aura and such...
How good do you feel about your body? 2002-01-30
How important is your body in your self esteem?
Hitchhiker's Guide 2002-01-28
this is a poll about Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy if you have nnever heard of it you shouldn't...
Which is worse? 2002-01-25
Which is worse? Losing yor bikini TOP or BOTTOM?
Fights with girls 2002-01-24
Have you ever gotten in a fight with a girl and if so, what happened?
Public Drunkedness 2002-01-23
Have you ever been so wasted you made a gigantic fool of yourself? Well, you're probably not alon...
Depression 2002-01-23
A study. :D
Getting to know you 2002-01-23
Please participate in my survey. It's easy, fun and it only takes a few seconds.
how gullible are you? 2002-01-23
big fish stories? little stories? are you a sucker?
Girls Bullying Boys 2002-01-23
Growing up, I was really nasty to the neighborhood boys. My friends and I used to find very crea...
The heavy Load 2002-01-22
Hi all, i did this because i have to do a article and my topic is "what r the most pressure ...
Vehicalular Poll 2002-01-21
Diesel or gas? Imports or domestic? Cars or trucks?
Poll Poll 2002-01-21
A poll of polls
Navel Piercing 2002-01-21
Your navel piercing experience
Cowboy Duds 2002-01-21
Many reading this page may like to dress up like a cowboy. If you do, this poll is for you.
What is the most popular dictionary? 2002-01-21
The Jiggabuns Foundation is beginning a process of lobbying dictionaries to recognize the letter ...
Every day 2002-01-21
I just want to see what people think about every day issues and products!
Females wearing skirts and dresses at all times 2002-01-21
Some people today still beleive for religious reasons and for modesty that girls and women should...
Driving barefoot 2002-01-18
Have you ever driven barefoot? Contrary to popular belief none of the 50 United States nor Canada...
For Knowledgeable readers....... 2002-01-18
what are your favorite works of literature?
What is your favorite Color? 2002-01-14
Which on of these colors do you like the best?
Creative Saturday Entertainment 2002-01-14
Which do you think is the most creative way to spend a Saturday afternoon?
High School Detention 2002-01-14
This poll is to determine your thoughts about school detention
Toe Rings 2002-01-14
Toe rings have gotten quite popular these days. Help us with a few questions.
Ugly People 2002-01-14
Who is the most ugliest person you have ever seen? Are you ugly?