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Why are you voting for Kerry 2004-09-06
This poll is for people already voting for Kerry. A fanatical Bush supporter I know is concerned...
Where are the undecided's? 2004-09-20
Let's see how many people are undecided about the presidential election 2004.
Willing to give up reading about terror to end it? 2004-09-25
We could stop terrorism by simply not reporting about terrorist acts in the media. Well, big medi...
The Oil Poll 2004-09-25
This poll is all about Oil.
Vote Or Die 2004 2004-10-21
Vote. Make Sure Your Lips VOTE.
are you voting wisely? 2004-10-26
what's your opinion?
How did you vote? (USA, 2004) 2004-11-04
I am NOT asking who you voted for.
Kerry a disgrace 2004-11-05
Do you think John Kerry is a disgrace to our troops and vets?
Most obnoxious Political Leader 2004-12-12
Vote for most obnoxious
What's the matter with Nader? 2004-12-20
Hi there, I am wondering why Nader receives so little votes, however stands on issues most americ...
The Tsunami 2005-01-11
Just checking all your veiws, in particular the americans who so far have donated less money than...
DNC Chaiman 2005-01-18
Who should it be.
State of the Union Address 2005-02-04
I want to hear how YOU reacted to the President's State of the Union Address.
Ward Churchill 2005-02-19
Just a couple questions
Cultural Tourism Survey 2005-02-19
Welcome and thank you for participating in my survey. I respect and assure your anonymity as i w...
NZ Politics - Health and Education 2005-03-16
Election year this year. What are your views on health and education?
Terri Schindler Watch 2005-03-29
There has been a rush to kill this woman. What do you think?
The New Democratic Leadership Poll 2005-04-21
A poll on your thoughts on how the new Democratic leaders, and the members of the party in genera...
How much do you love our king? 2005-05-31
Let's face it. This isn't a democracy any more. We Republicans have assumed control. So tell us ...
Rove-Gate 2005-08-10
It appears that someone in the White House leaked a covert agent's name. key words: Plame, Wilson...
John Roberts Nominated for Supreme Court 2005-08-31
Judge John Roberts has been nominated to replace retiring Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O'Conn...
Dumbest Comment, Ever 2005-10-04
Not to be out-stupided by Kanye West, NY Dems went out of their way to make absurd soundbytes. W...
PlameGate and Israel 2005-10-20
Is the Miller mess due to the Times's pro-Israel bias?
Who is responsible for disaster relief efforts? 2005-11-09
Given the recent events, many Americans are questioning who exactly is responsible in the event o...
Should a non-racist Nationalism emerge in the U.S. 2005-11-19
Should a non-racist, non-socialist Nationalism emerge in the U.S. (please no tampering with the p...