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People / Relationships


Beauty Standards, Race, and Racism 2003-08-28
This poll is about beauty standards, what they say about different races, and what effect they ha...
Batlle of Sexes 2003-08-28
Batlle of sexes
how do men get feminine and women get manly 2003-08-28
this poll is about whether men or women knows more about their gender and how they interact with ...
Which type are you? 2003-08-26
Which type are you?
Give Guys Some Help (Girls vote only!) 2003-08-26
This is to help guys know what a girl is looking for. I already know and hope all guys that view ...
how do you like her? 2003-08-26
how do you like you chicks? this is a poll on how you like 'em
Knowing Yourself 2003-08-26
knowing what kind of person you are
Do guys like Chubby girls 2003-08-26
This is just to see what people think
what do guys think about....? 2003-08-26
all girls at some point wonder (as i myself am doing right now...) just what it is that guys thin...
is this type of guy cute? 2003-08-26
just wanted to know....
Why so much hatred towards black men? 2003-08-26
This is a poll for all you racists and self-haters about black men such as I.
What do you think about adoption 2003-08-22
For girls 2003-08-22
Fill out what you think the best way for a guy to tell you the way he feels about you.
Who are the sexiest Latinos? 2003-08-22
What Latin American area do you think has the best looking people.
Who's sexier? 2003-08-22
Find out who is sexier.
What kind of guy do you like 2003-08-22
Women I want to know what kind of guy you like
MUSCLES 2003-08-19
Girls speed 2003-08-19
Are you curious? Do you want to know about what speed girls are at as a teenager? Then come to t...
The Perfect Wife/Girlfriend(boys only please) 2003-08-19
The Perfect Wife or Girlfriend
Who Wears The Pants-Men Or Women? 2003-08-19
In the past, the man was traditionally considered to be the head of the family. But today's women...
you lesbians 2003-08-18
this is a poll about being a lesbian. i am one myself and there is so many questions people ask m...
I am trying to figure out why we all hurting ourselves, and show people we are not alone.
Questions for the GIRLS??? 2003-08-13
Date Questions
Most Girls 2003-08-13
Your perception of most girls
Society:Are Women Taking Over? 2003-08-13
Are women taking over? As women continue to advance, are we headed for a female dominated society?