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The TV MegaSite's Primetime Shows Poll #3 2006-10-04
Tell us about your favorite shows!
The TV MegaSite's Star TrekPoll 2006-10-04
Give us your Opinion!
Dr.Robotnik/Eggman's best henchmen in the Sonic shows. 2006-10-04
This poll is to see which group of henchmen you like better.
Should Invader Zim have been canceled 2006-10-07
Why? WHY!!!
The ULTIMATE Laguna Beach: The Real OC Poll 2006-10-09
This is the ULTIMATE Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County poll. Has all the best questions included!
American Idol 5 Bests! 2006-10-11
Please make your decisions on who sang well on the given night, regardless of your favorite. Than...
*****ALL ABOUT SNL***** 2006-10-13
this poll is all about saturday night live
The South Park WoW 2006-10-13
did you like the episode?
friends!! 2006-10-13
10 years- the most popular tv series ever!
How long do you watch TV 2006-10-13
Select the following
It's Intriguing 2006-10-24
My Pol takes off from the age old question: Ginger or Mary Ann? Presently Samantha of bewitched i...
desperate housewives 2006-10-28
lynette gabrielle susan bree edie carlos mike tom zach and more
hannah montana yea got new ? 2006-11-10
all about hannah montana and cast
Special Buffy poll: are you a bangel or spuffy??? 2006-11-19
a special test about the characters and the good seasons with them
Buffy poll- Buffy the Vampire Slayer! 2006-11-24
buffy fans
Star Trek vs. Star Wars 2006-11-28
Whos better?
What's your type of music: 2006-11-28
and buffy? 2006-12-05
a pretty nice poll all about buffy=)
The Young Ones 2006-12-10
This is to find out who was the best character out of the 1980's UK sitcom, The Young Ones
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip 2006-12-14
This poll is meant to guage the general attitude people have over various elements of the show 'S...
Disney music 2006-12-15
I would really like to know just what is your fave music from Disney so please do my poll Thanx!
Futurama 2007-01-09
Who's Your Favorite Senshi? 2007-01-09
If you had to pick one . . .
buffy forever! 2007-01-09
buffy poll as you see