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Girls wearing trousers and jeans

I want to wear trousers

Posted by rebecca94 on 2012-01-17 15:08:37

Hi Sparkling Girl

What a pity your sisters are not even a teeny bit curious - you could have all had a session in the jeans section of a shop! It would have been a bit mean of them to tell your parents about your ambition.

That was an idea about your brother's pants - pity it didn't work. Are you friendly with anyone at your church who has a brother your size? That might be a way forward as boys and girls jeans/pants are much the same for young teenagers

Boarding school is great - a bit more formal than day school and you miss your family at first. There are less distractions and you can concentrate on your work and exams. Most girls get good grades and go on to Uni. I don't want to go to Uni. I hope to work in the travel industry and have applied for vocational training.

It must be a bit lonely for you being home schooled. You must miss out on meeting other people of your own age.

Best wishes


Posted by sparkling girl on 2012-01-29 02:22:24

hey rebecca

sorry i havent replied in a bit but i got into trouble. it was really lame but yea my sisters pretty much tell my parents everything I do. :( its annoying!

It is lonely at times. But there are advantages too so I guess it all balances out. Although the idea of a boarding school does sound exciting! Just being away from home and your parents. I couldnt even imagine! Was it your idea to go to boarding school or your parents? Going to a normal school was pretty much out of the question for me.

Posted by rebecca94 on 2012-01-29 14:29:32

Hi Sparkling Girl

Sorry to hear that you got into trouble. What happened - nothing too serious I hope. Did your sisters spilt on you?

You may well like boarding school especially if you want to get away from your parents and sisters but you do miss home and often feel that you cant wait to get back there. A lot of new girls are really homesick when they first arrive and some are quite ill.

Boarding school was my parents idea. Father is away a lot due to work and my parents moved around quite a bit when I was younger. They also thought it would give me a better start in life.

It is a pity that you could not go to a normal school and meet girls of your own age. Was that because of your religion?

Don't give up on your ambitions!


Posted by Infernaltiewearer on 2012-02-08 18:26:57

How is it now Rebecca and Emma and Emily?

Hope youre feeling good?

Posted by sparkling girl on 2012-02-09 02:21:54

Hey Rebecca,

My sisters always tell my parents if i do anything wrong. I forgot to do a chore, my fault and got into trouble. story of my life! Do your parents punish you often? Mine do!

Yea my parents, esp my mom, are very against non religious schools. and there was no local school that they liked so they've had all of us home schooled. I do wish I could go to a real school but i dont even know how it would be! The idea of sitting in a desk all day doesnt seem comfortable but idk.

Thank you very much for talking to me Rebecca! I feel like ur a friend! I hope that is ok?