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How often do you sleep in your underwear or naked?


Posted by Leo Benji on 2012-06-21 02:37:06


I would hope that someone joins you as you walk around like that.Just so you're not the only one and it's not even your house.Lol

Posted by Leo Benji on 2012-06-23 02:14:47


Natural is just so much better... and yes a touch..a scratch.. a rub... or just adjusting makes you Focus on one thing. Lol It's true that in the winter months you just wrap up in a blanket or a sheet... or curl up

Posted by Leo Benji on 2012-06-23 16:38:58

Lol..wait and see if it goes away?! Are you kidding me!? Sounds good ans eventually it will but it's like an itch that you refuse to scratch. Lol...so usually it wins. Well you don't always have to finish you just need to take the edge off.

Posted by Leo Benji on 2012-06-23 16:46:18


Everybody's parents are different with different experiences...you judge what you think their attitude will be... you're a better judge than us. If you and your father are close enough to share... you can make it a father and son moment.. bring up the subject and see what he feels about it.

Posted by Leo Benji on 2012-06-24 03:33:47

Middle of the night for me... if it's 1-3 am...and I can't sleep... I gotta get relaxed... so that's when I find myself $%!@ing. Lol....then sleep comes. :-))