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How often do you sleep in your underwear or naked?


Posted by Leo Benji on 2012-08-28 11:36:33

Yeah...parents want the best for their kids and usually that starts out with having sex with the opposite gender. Lol.. then if they have to alter their thinking bc you're gay... it'll be hard for some and others won't accept it at all... especially bc of your age.But fun is fun and at this time that's all we're talking about.

Posted by sukka on 2012-08-30 05:49:21

Robert1948, Each of us have to make our own paths through life. I am glad you and your friend Alun have chosen to wait until you are older and in a better position to make the decision about going all the way. In times past it was traditional to wait until you were married before you gave your virginity to your spouse; and in some ways I think it is sad that guys and girls feel that they need to lose it before they really know what it is all about. After all that is what $%!@ion is there for isn't it. I want to keep something that is unique for me and my life partner and that something has to be my cherry as there is nothing else left to keep. This is why I am holding off and Tim feels the same way as me so we have no problem agreeing on it.

Posted by Robert1948 on 2012-08-30 08:32:13

How pleasing to hear from someone who shares the same feelings as Alan and me. We think that the age of 14 is a little too young to commit to a lifelong relationship. Maybe in another 2 years time we might have a better idea of what we want to do.

Posted by Robert1948 on 2012-08-31 04:53:11

Very seldom do i get naked in front of my parents you of respect. Mum considers that 14 is a bit too old to go around with nothing on. In my room i am always naked even when Alan comes round and he goes nude as well. My parents do not mind that although they think that we are a bit odd to do so. We always sleep naked. The same goes at his house.

Posted by Leo Benji on 2012-09-01 05:14:03


it is very comfortable and I guess natural and that's why it feels sooo good. well that and a few things more lol