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arrest experiences


Posted by Rachel992017 on 2012-03-14 22:54:38

Im David and Im 17 years old.At 5ft 7in and 135 lbs,Im not at all a big guy,but I am handsome and well built.Also,Im not at all a troublemaker or "bad boy".Im an honor student at my school and I don't drink,smoke or do drugs. Last year,I had my first brush with the law.I was at a party and lost track of time.I drove home at around 1100 pm.Now,I was on a learners permit that restricted me from driving alone after 900pm.It was the start of December,and it was about 35 degrees outside with about a half an inch of snow on the grounds.I was wearing a black jacket with a red T-shirt,jeans and high top sneakers with white socks.I was driving all right,but the headlight in my car went out.The police caught me and pulled my over.Right off the bat,I admitted to the police that I was driving past my curfew.I explained my situation and apologized for breaking the law.It didn't matter.The police took my into custody.Technically,they said I wasn't being arrested,only detained until my parents could be called to pickle up.But they said I still had to be handcuffed and put in jail at the station.I was handcuffed with both hands behind my back with a pair of black stainless steel handcuffs,then lead into a marked patrol car.The police drove my car to the station.The police weren't rude or mean;they were just matter-of-factly doing their jobs.I was taken to a small police station with a single holding cell in the back of the place.I wasn't booked or fingerprinted,but after I gave my parents contact info,I was putin the cell by myself until my parents could come.The officers who detained me left for the night.It was close to 100am by now and the place was deserted expect for me and the officer in charge of the holing area,a lady named Jensen.Officer Jensen was a blond,fortyish woman.She went to me to tell me that my parents were contacted and that it would take a few hours for them to come.Then she and starred a conversation.I talked about school;she talked about what it was like being a cop.She complemented me on being a "nice young man"and said that she wished "everyone they dealt with had as manners as good as mine."After a wile,she told me that it was silly for meto have to wait it the cell,and opened it up,telling me that Id be free to walk around the station,have some coffee,and even watch TV while I waited.,as long as I didn't try to leave the station.I swore I wouldn't,and officer Jensen said she believed me.But as an "insurance policy"against me trying to bolt,she confiscated my shoes and socks.If tried to leave the station,Iwouldnt get far being barefoot and with their being snow on the ground.Even though it was nice of her to let me out of the cell,I felt VERY embarrassed to be running around the station in bare feet.Im very glad nobody else came it before my parents picked me up!And yes,the lady officer was laughing at me and teasing me for being in bare feet,but her comments were sweet-natured an not mean.All in all,I hope I never get into this time of trouble again.But the police were pretty kind with me.

Posted by feetclass on 2013-03-26 17:13:42

but i like to get more in situation where you will be barefoot

Posted by Todd08 on 2013-11-10 07:54:45

What kind of shoes were you wearing? I had to remove my shoes when I got to the cell, and spent time in socks, too. I was wearing lace-up shoes that had been inspected when I was searched, but removed completely at the cell door.

Posted by Overl0ck on 2020-09-30 02:26:21

I would've asked to stay locked in the cell so I knew I was safe, secure, and could not be accused of anything else.

Posted by david1999 on 2022-12-29 15:36:14

I'm glad the officer was nice to you, but I think it's a little overkill of them to arrest you for being out late.