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User: Overl0ck


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Posted in Have you ever been locked up as a punishment? on 2020-11-09 04:39:35

I think kids should be locked in their rooms. Sometimes parents need alone time, so they should be allowed to lock up their kids during this time.

Posted in Would you go to jail or prison for somebody on 2020-10-06 05:57:31

If a loved one really felt that I needed to be locked up, I would be willing for that to happen. I'd be hesatant to be honest, but I would still do it for them.

I think this is a beautiful thing, and for someone to be willing to be locked up for somebody else shows that the person has a lot of love for that other person.

Posted in PUT TO BED EARLIER THAN YOUNGER SIBLINGS on 2020-09-30 03:20:56

When guests are over, do you get locked up so you don't wander in on them?

This should be standard procedure:

Guests call, say they are coming over time for you to get into pajamas and into bed door is closed, locked from the outside, maybe with a key.

Posted in arrest experiences on 2020-09-30 02:26:21

I would've asked to stay locked in the cell so I knew I was safe, secure, and could not be accused of anything else.

Posted in Guys, is your younger brother stronger than you? on 2020-09-20 05:53:43

I'm hoping that he started to treat you like a little kid, look out for you but at the same time being an authority figure.

If I was in this kind of situation, I would embrace and accept it.