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What religion are you?

It is amazing,

Posted by deathislife on 2012-10-08 19:12:53

that out of all of these choices, atheism is not a choice. Of course, atheism isn't a religion, so more aptly it should list "N/A; atheist" as a choice.

Posted by Chris Wood on 2012-10-15 16:23:20

I have a few pals at college who call themselves "Atheists", and when I point out that this implies they have NO beliefs at all, they look at me like I've just said their mother had died! Personally speaking, I'm a Jedi, since nobody gets offended by this! Except for the "born again Christian" brigade...

Posted by gorangle on 2013-01-02 11:29:24


Do not worry about offending people. The whole subject needs to be aired out loud with no taboos on vigorous debate. Religion has managed to surround itself with a protective coating of taboos, one of which is to make it seem "bad mannered" or somehow "offensive" to criticize it in any way. This has been done, no doubt, because the religious leaders know that their faith cannot stand up to rational argument.

If it offends the religious, that is good. Religion deserves to be ridiculed, as this is an effective tool to turn people away from it and back to rationality.

So bring on the jokes and comments about muslims and burkhas. Also the evils of the Roman Catholic Church where the current idiots in the vatican still try to stem contraception despite the obvious perils to us all from the continuing population explosion. The witch hunts against gays that the christian church still encourages, especially in America. The corruption of our children, told by church and parent alike, to believe in nonsense rather than follow the scientific method in the quest for knowledge. The disgraceful oppression of women that some religions support. All the wars and bloodshed caused by opposing beliefs, all of them totally without foundation and rationality.

I'll stop here, I'm getting angry just writing about it!

Posted by SydneyLovesYou2 on 2013-01-03 04:46:00

It must be easy, to take the choices of some people, and to group millions of others in with them. As a Methodist, we believe the Pope is full of $%!@. My church taught me to respect all people.....aka gays, muslims, jews, atheists, and even the Jedi. Its a simple life, Love your neighbor as yourself. It works fine for me.

Posted by gorangle on 2013-01-04 11:59:50

Yes, but you still believe in god, as you talk about "my church". I cannot avoid arguing with that.