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l got spanked today

Staying in position for a caning

Posted by Diana_D on 2017-12-01 13:14:18


This morning Mum reminded me of my coming caning. She is still dissatisfied with me. I feel this evening will be very painful for me.


Posted by Lucy77 on 2017-12-01 19:34:01

I went to school when corporal punishment was allowed but it stopped when I was about 14. Mum was the gym mistress and she was very fierce with the slipper and we had to bend over a lot in the changing rooms. We could guarantee at least 1 girl would be bending over for her during a lesson and she was the designated caner. Like all the other girls I got the slipper at least once a term. Mum was also the designated girl caner in the school and she caned some boys on occasions on the bottom but canings only happened about 3 times a term. Come the school holidays I could guarantee I would be bending over for the slipper and during the longer school holidays I would be caned at least once bare bottom. Some of the boys said Mum caned a lot harder than the headmaster. When Mum caned them she caned over the underpants where as the headmaster caned over the trousers. Mum caned the girls over the knickers.

Posted by Lisa-18 on 2017-12-03 10:55:29


You all get very harsh punishments for little reasons.

Yesterday I got a spanking from my Dad for bringing myself in danger. He took me over his lap and spanked my bum with his hand. I cried many tears. But I deserved it. Reading your posts I'm glad Dad doesn't use any implement on my bum.

I hope all of you who have been punished on Friday are OK. How are you feeling today?


Posted by Jane95 on 2017-12-03 20:39:39

Hi Lisa

I was caned. Mum's sister took a photograph of me bending over and Mum with the cane in her hand. Mum then said it would be good to video my caning so I can show it to any children I have. Another photograph was taken of my striped bottom on Saturday. The pain is beginning to subside. Mum will be taking another photo of my bottom at bed time.

Posted by Diana_D on 2017-12-04 09:00:39


I got the cane on Friday. Mum had decided to give me 10 strokes. But I stood up 4 times and got 14 strokes. This was the worst punishment I ever got.

I will write more later.
