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After Birth Abortions

Candidate for culling?

Posted by HeightsMom on 2017-12-15 04:46:18

In the news a 14 y/o pregnant girl ran away w/ 33 y/o male. (No word in reports if he is the dad.) Is this girl a candidate for "culling"? If so, before or after she delivers? How?

Posted by Timothy88 on 2018-02-16 18:36:21

All 14 y/o girls should be candidates for culling. But that's not to say they should all be aborted. Only a tiny fraction should.

Posted by SpandexLover8888 on 2018-02-17 06:09:09

For the situation with the 14 y/o pregnant girl, and assuming the age at which children can be aborted extends to 14 y/o as the maximum age, I think the parents and the girl have a few separate options. First, if the parents decide not to abort their daughter, then keeping or aborting the baby should be the daughter's choice, either before or after she has given birth.

If the parents decide to abort both their daughter and the unborn baby, then the abortion should happen in whatever fashion assures that both will be aborted. If the daughter is late in her pregnancy, this might preclude abortion methods for the daughter that have the possibility of leaving the baby alive (maybe the daughter could be burned alive or impaled to make sure they are aborted together).

If the parents decide to abort the daughter, but to keep their grandchild, I think they should have that right. They would need to make this their stated intention with the abortion clinic, or file a motion with the courts. The daughter would likely need to be branded or tattooed in some way so that abortion clinics would know that she has no right to abort the baby. After she has given birth, I think parents would be mandated to have their daughter aborted in whatever fashion they want within a few hours of delivery, since they had certified that to be their intention. The right to abort their grandchild would transfer to the parents until the child has reached 15.

I would think this would be the rare situation where a 15 y/o could be aborted, if the parents has certified their intent to abort their daughter before she turned 15, and if she didn't give birth until after she turned 15.

Posted by Timothy88 on 2018-02-18 01:01:56

Once you start considering children of 14 things do get complicated and there's no easy answers. I think the maximum age for an after birth abortion should be 12 and pregnant girls should be exempt.

Posted by SpandexLover8888 on 2018-02-21 06:50:27

I think that not allowing pregnant girls to be aborted would lead to girls fearing being aborted to attempt to become pregnant to prevent it. This would lead to a greater number of unwanted pregnancy.