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User: Timothy88



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Posted in After Birth Abortions on 2018-07-26 03:32:13

The Garrote is both clean and cost effective. But if I were an abortion provider I'd prefer just pushing the button on a beheading machine and avoiding all the struggling and such. If I was the parent I'd prefer a painless procedure for my child.

Posted in Genital Spanking on 2018-07-12 20:38:44

No implement and never on the genitals. If you want to spank use only an open hand and only on the bottom. This way you can spank as hard as you like and you're not going to leave any long lasting damage.

Posted in After Birth Abortions on 2018-07-03 22:46:02

Abortions should be fast and painless not for the benefit or welfare of the kids but for the sake of the abortion providers. It wouldn't be easy to select a child for culling if you knew that he or she was going to experience a lot of pain. I know I wouldn't be able to do it.

The default procedure should be a guillotine built to hold ten kids simultaneously. Their heads could all drop off into a common trough and the gurneys could then tilt back so that their headless bodies would slide through trapdoors directly into a crematorium. All you'd need to do is get the kids into position and have someone pull the trigger. The rest would be automatic.

Posted in After Birth Abortions on 2018-07-01 23:56:51

Have children aborted as a TV Game Show?

We already saw that in the movie, The Hunger Games. It really broke my heart when that cute little curly haired blond 12 year old boy got hacked to death in the first few minutes of the "game". But, at the same time, I was glad for him. It happened so fast that he didn't suffer and he was very brave. His death was sort of cool actually and very beautiful.

Posted in Genital Spanking on 2018-06-28 01:36:25

I think I know what you're asking about. I've had this sort of punishment once when I was 13 and once was all I needed. Long story short, I was spending the summer on my grandfather's farm.

Everything was wonderful but then my sister discovered that my two male cousins and I (ages 12 & 13) had all been taking turns corn holeing each other. All three of us got "put to sleep" for that little transgression. It could have been worse. We were on a farm after all and I was afraid they were going to castrate us just like they did with the piglets.

The device used on my cousins and me was called a Lariat. It was a collar like chocking rope but with soft padding wrapped around it so it wouldn't leave red marks on our necks. My cousins had had it before but it was new to me.

My grandpa was there along with my uncle and a 17 year old cousin who was the one wielding the lariat. I was the last to be put under and that only made it worse. All three of us malefactors begged and struggled something fierce. To add to the humiliation we were naked and for some reason I was sporting an erection. You can bet that didn't go unnoticed!