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User: SpandexLover8888



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Posted in After Birth Abortions on 2018-02-25 03:12:06

Just like Santa's naughty and nice list, I think kids love the idea that naughty kids are being punished, and most kids would place themselves in the "nice kids" category. That being said, even the nicest kid acts nicer around Christmas time, just in case their on the edge of naughty/nice.

In a fictional world, I can imagine taking my kids though the DIY after-birth abortion aisle in the hardware store (I would call it the "naughty kids" aisle). Since they would likely categorize themselves as "nice kids", they would probably get a kick out of seeing what happens to "naughty kids". In fact, I am sure they would laugh and giggle as they are jokingly being measured for body bags or abortion devices. I do not think they would think much about it after leaving the hardware store, but that they would act even nicer, either consciously or unconsciously, due to the trip.

I think your idea of a of a wire based Guillotine is very good and practical, particularly sealing the child into a body bag before setting it off.

For younger children, I am sure the process would be very easy to administer, as they could be convinced that it is dress-up time. They would likely eagerly agree to put on the pretty necklace, and crawl into the bag on their own. They would be oblivious of the process until it is done.

For older kids, the process may be more difficult, as they would likely understand what the device is used for. Parents would likely need to wait until the child is asleep to begin the process of getting them into the bag and attaching the ring.

My one question for you is by making the process to quick so that the child is oblivious to the procedure, are they denied the right to say their final goodbyes or one last prayer. Isn't it more humane to give them a few minutes after letting them know your intent before pressing the button? Would you tell the child before pressing the button, after pressing the button during the 90 second delay, or not at all?

I, too, would be willing to work on a mobile after-birth abortion clinic. My desire would be to support parents in their time of need, and making sure their wishes are fulfilled.

Posted in After Birth Abortions on 2018-02-24 02:29:09

The CCC option would not be right for me personally. I would want to make the ultimate decisions in the matter. I could see it being problematic for me personally in both scenarios. If I sent my child to a CCC to "scare them straight", and they ended up being culled, I would be full of regret. If I wanted them aborted, but they did not end up in being selected to be culled, I think it would be hard for me to be their parent again. If I decided they my children should be aborted, then I would want to be able to decide the time and manner of the abortion, and not have another agency interfering with that choice.

I think your post does show my point in that most parents would likely consider after birth abortion in the final 1-2 years of the maximum limit. Disregarding newborns and infant, who would be at risk for abortion for completely different reasons, if the maximum age were 12, then the age group most at risk would be 11-12 year-olds, as parents take stock of whether they want to be responsibility for the child for the next 6-7 years and beyond. If the maximum age were 14, then 13-14 year-olds would be in the same position. Regardless, it would seem that 5-~10 year-olds would be the least likely to be aborted, unless the maximum age were lowered below 12. It would likely only occur for them if they have the most extreme behavioral issues.

Posted in After Birth Abortions on 2018-02-21 07:22:58

I think it would be possible to still have after-birth abortions at home and be performed by professionals, by the way of mobile abortion vans. In this way, the clinic comes to the home, and the family does not need to have the undo stress of going to the clinic.

I would think the mobile clinic would be able to offer a limited selection of abortion methods. For instance, instead of a gas chamber, the child could simply be restrained to a chair or plank, and a gas mask put over there face. The abortionists would then inject gas directly into the mask to accomplish the abortion.

A full gallows would likely be out of the question, but assuredly someone would invent a hand-free device that could strangle a child to death. Once the child is restrained in the device, the parent could even be given the option of pressing the button to begin the process, or leave it to the professionals.

For the Guillotine, I would suggest a device that thrusts two blades horizontally using gun powder to detach the head. This could be setup on a portable bench for the child to be restrained to, and the clinic could bring smocks for those in attendance to wear so blood does not get on their clothes.

I also think there should be DIY options. The requirement would be that an abortion permit would need to be acquired by the parent or guardian, and would be good for two weeks. The child would be required to be inspected by the court or physician before the abortion occurs so that this process is not used to cover-up a murder or any abhorrent physical abuse occurring in the home.

The options for DIYers would also be limited to only bloodless (public health hazard) and chemical free (unless the DIYer is legally allowed access) methods. This probably only leaves strangulation, suffocation, hanging, or drowning for options. I am sure hardware stores would begin renting or selling contraptions to assist the DIYers. This would allow parents the ability to be surrounded by their support system at their own home, and not a bunch of strangers, as they make one of the hardest decisions of their lives.

Finally, I am completely against using lethal injection. As has been pointed out as-of-late, those drugs are limited in supply and needed for medicine. There are far better uses for those drugs then these procedures, especially when so many other methods complete the task.

Posted in After Birth Abortions on 2018-02-21 06:50:27

I think that not allowing pregnant girls to be aborted would lead to girls fearing being aborted to attempt to become pregnant to prevent it. This would lead to a greater number of unwanted pregnancy.

Posted in After Birth Abortions on 2018-02-17 06:27:30

If the abortion maximum age was 14 years-old, I would wonder during what ages would the majority of abortions occur. I would think that many newborns would be aborted (maybe as high as 1%), as new parents have to deal with the hassle of a baby that is not as magical as they thought it would be. I would think the abortion rate would stay relatively high for toddlers, but then decrease as the child got older.

What I would really wonder is if the abortion rate would increase again as children enter their tween/teen years. I would think that age group would see an increase in abortions as they become more rebellious and obnoxious. I would think there would be a significant spike for 14-year-olds, maybe even outpacing 6-month-olds, as parents would see that as there last chance to make the decision.

Thoughts on this, or other considerations on the popular ages for after birth abortions.