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Boys humiliated by girls

LMFAO!!! This just proves....^_^

Posted by Billy5 on 2009-06-04 01:20:15

oh ok, so if you had the chance to take me on what would you do to me if you could have your way?

Posted by Evil Kitty on 2009-06-04 10:15:16

Well I don't know...how big are you? Also I don't like to get physical with EVERYONE so maybe I would do nothing...if I thought u were a serious threat I would give you a chop to the throat,kick to the balls,and then head-sissors till you were turning red & begging...if you were cute i might torture u for a while or humiliate you. Another thing if I sensed u were just $%!@ing me off to get slapped around by a girl for some cheap thrills..I would teach you that its not always a game...draw your own conclusions.

Posted by maze : a sissy with a pu$$y on 2009-06-04 14:38:58

I used to take ballet.

Posted by maze : a sissy with a pu$$y on 2009-06-04 18:57:30

I am such a girl. I went to ballet when all girls do stuff like football and martial arts.

Posted by maze : a sissy with a pu$$y on 2009-06-05 03:05:07

Of course i wore a tutu. With full make up too. But not in the classes, after the classes with my cousin. I prefered pink. make up, skirt etc.