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Who has the Muscle, Moms or Teens?

Moms can surprise you

Posted by Del on 2006-01-27 19:31:28

I figured there had to be a girl or two in your 6th grade class who could handle most of the guys - not you of course - lol.

Not many kids in my neighborhood ever lifted weights. That guy in the tomboy's class that I wrote about and the kid who managed to beat her when he was 13 are the only ones I can think of.

The tomboy had a soft spot for my little brother, who was 3 years younger and much weaker. We felt bad when she got beat by the first boy and especially when (shock of shocks) a younger boy beat her. We warned her that it could start happening more often and tried to get her to start lifting. With her sturdy build and natural strength, she would have gotten incredibly strong. But she thought it was too boring and her parents thought weight lifting wasn't appropriate for a girl. She did sometimes pick up a younger kid like my brother and carry him around in her arms like a baby - lol

Before the first boy beat her there was a definite pecking order. The older boys (of which I was one) were on top, then the tomboy, then a couple of guys her age, then some younger boys and finally some other girls and a younger boy. The smallest boy was the most robust for his size and he was very determined. The tomboy used to get a laugh out him because he always struggled so hard against her but he was not a challenge at all for her. They would flex and compare biceps. He had this slim arm with a bulge and she had this thick round arm. I swear two of his would fit inside hers. She could just grab his wrist and force him to the ground and couldn't do anything about it. But things gradually began to change. -- Sorry, gotta run

Posted by Jimmy05 on 2006-01-28 15:10:27

well there was one girl in the fith grade that gave me a little trouble her name was tammy and she was the strongest girl i armwrestled she was older by a year. for phyed we had armwrestling and leg wrestling contest. She came up to me and wanted to armwrestle she of course I said yes she had good power in her arms. I took it easy on her matching her every advance in power. Then all of sudden her arm dropped down to the floor. The amount of strength I used aganst her was more then what i used against a few of the boys so i think she could have beat some boys at arm wrestling. I talked to her in jr high school asking her if she remeber arm wrestling me in grade school and she said yup and that i was really strong. i asked her for another match but she had nothing i became much to strong. maybe it had somthing to do with me allways having to shovel snow i was like a farm boy i guess. We had a huge drive way and i allways shoveled snow. plus i chopped a truck load of wood for my uncle when i was in the sixth grade. There was a girl in highshool that was a senier and i was a freshman I wanted to armwrestle her cuz she had some nice arms but she rufused to do so I called her a bad name and got sent out of the classrom. Guess what happens next I stick my head in the window and she is armwrestling my teacher but my teacher beat her after a little struggle i heard her call my teacher somthing like wonder woman and here i am sitting in the dam hallway because i couldnt keep my dam mouth shut when i could have maybe armwrestled both of um. I remember far back as 4th grade wondering if i could beat my teacher in armwrestling so i guess i allways some kinda fetish beating the girls or wondering if i could. My aunt carol was afraid of me haha amgine being afraid of a sixth grader. All that wood we would chop would have to go into my uncles basement and id fling those chopped logs down the stairs like my cousins but she would get up set with me saying im throwing them to hard or somthing dumb when i wasnt. remeber my cousins always telling me that there going to go out for sports and get strong like me. The boy never did but Brandy went out for swimming and lifted weights to. she got strong also. The other girl cousin wasnt very strong and didnt do sports. I remeber pulling all 3 of them in my wagon but when it came my turn for a ride it took all of the to move me as fast as i was moving them lol. tell me more about your encounters of female strength or boys beating the girls u must have more come on think :) Jimmy

Posted by Del on 2006-01-30 18:53:17

Your cousin Brandy must have been pretty strong. I'll bet she did or could have beat average guys who didn't lift.

To continue what I was talking about, it was an interesting watching the matchups between the little boy and the tomboy as he grew. He always struggled like crazy, but at first she could pin him without trying hard. As he got bigger and stronger she had to concentrate a little more to pin him, but she still could laugh while she was doing it. Later she had to get serious about it and it started taking her a little longer. Then he got so he could struggle more explosively and she couldn't control him so easily and sometimes he could get away from her. She had to wear him down and then pin him.

He continued to develop a kind of explosive strength or technique to a much greater degree than the other boys in the neighborhood had done. Even when she was still a little bigger and more muscular looking than him, you could guess that he might beat her soon because of his explosive aggressiveness. One day he used all of his power and aggression and almost pinned her. This time it was her that struggled to escape. She wasn't so eager to wrestle him after that. They flexed and compared arms. Both biceps were hard and hers was still a little bigger. That gave her the confidence to armwrestle him. With his explosive start, he almost took her down, but she held on, wore him out and won. It wasn't too long until she just couldn't cope with him and he put her arm down. This is several years compressed into a couple of paragraphs, but it was fun remembering.

Posted by Jimmy05 on 2006-01-31 17:01:48

Brandy wasnt really big she was wiery though and lean she was the smallest of the triplets. Ther mom was skinny too. brandy might have been able to beat some boys. I rember she would put up a pretty good fight with her brother Phil. Brandy was lifting weights when he wasnt so maybe she could have beat him in endurace but im not sure about strength. I did arm wrestle the girls but had no prob beating them I cant really rember if they arm wrestled there brother or not. I have an old pic of the kids and me and phill is like a foot taller the girls. I arm wrestled a girl in High school named corina she had good strength and lifted some and was also a tomboy. I had her arm wrestle a guy cuz I thought she could have beaten him she held on strong and moved his arm down alittle but the he just out muscled her. Do u have any cool links of thinks type of stuff??? well keep typing I wish i had more strong girl stuff for ya but i dont its all them getting beat

Posted by Del on 2006-02-01 00:58:40

I'll take a break from the neighborhood stories to tell about another friend. This guy was always kind of thin and scrawny but macho. It seemed to work until he was 12 or so when his family moved. I saw him a couple of years later and he had become incredibly muscular. I was surprised and asked what happened. He said that in his town there were a lot of Scandanavian families with big, robust girls. After he moved there he found that, to his utter shock and dismay, several girls in his class were bigger and stronger than him. Some of them even pushed him around and intimidated him and he couldn't do anything about it. At first his ego was crushed and he was afraid of a couple of girls that bullied him. The only solution was to get serious about working out, and he went at it hard core. He said he got stronger pretty fast and one day after school the biggest strongest girl started trying to push him around. Even though she was taller and probably heaver, he just grabbed her and shoved her against a tree and warned her that she would get hurt if she kept trying to pick on him. She tried to fight back but he just overwhelmed her. End of problem.