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Homosexuality: Your Opinion

This Poll Amuses Me

Posted by Overmind on 2002-01-29 00:34:33

I find this poll very amusing to me. It's been a long time since I've seen people openly speak the truth [somebody and Speaker of Truth, I think that's who it was]. And, as I knew, they would be criticized by people who claim not to be racist, prejudice, or those who don't hate religion.
Yes, the Bible was written by men who thought the Earth was flat. But they thought stealing was wrong, which you probably do so also. Just like murder. You most likely say it's wrong, since you've given some evidence of that in your messages. But just because they thought the Earth was flat is reason enough to give evidence of your disbelief of the Bible? Have not Scientists [which are Priests of the United States Government's Official Religion] been wrong also? But you still believe in some of the things they say, even though they were wrong to begin with?
I don't know why everyone is so mad at "somebody." There is some reasons to be annoyed, but he is just saying what he believes in. You, also, say that you believe in Science but no one get's mad at you. So why is everyone SO angry at "somebody." [As I've said before, there is some reasons to be annoyed at him. Swearing while trying to promote the Bible is not a very good precourser to non-believers, somebody. It would be suggested that you edit your posts. You can't edit your words, but you most certainly can edit your messages before you hit the save button. Please do not be offended by my lecture; swearing is for children who can't think of words to express their feelings.] I too, believe in God, and the Bible. I do not expect to be criticized by people who claim not to be prejudice, racist, or non-religious haters. I do not feel it is right to have some people say, "People are people, we should accept that," but when someone posts a message that promotes their religion, that same person says, "Oh, that's foolishness." In my book, that is hippocritical [hope that's spelled right; a dictionary or theosaurus is a blessing not given to my household. Not to mention, I'm a bit too lazy to get up and go to look for it. But you get what I'm trying to say.] So maybe we should all take each other's advice. We should all look into ourselves and point out our mistakes. That way, when you continue debate, we will be less infantile. I am proud to see people stand up for their Biblical Beliefs. You were told you would be made fun of, yet you still are brave enough to spread our Creator's Will. May God bless everyone. And in respect to the Aetheists opinions here, I can edit that quote for them: "Good luck for the future." That's about the only way to wish them good luck without offending them. Hey, even "Goodbye" is a religious term that most Aetheists don't know about. It was taken from God Be With You. If you see a similarity, then you probably very perspective.

Posted by andrew on 2002-01-29 16:42:14

I don't think God ever intended for a man to put his dinky in another man's bum.========== In Reply To ==========

I find this poll very amusing to me. It's been a long time since I've seen people openly speak the truth [somebody and Speaker of Truth, I think that's who it was]. And, as I knew, they would be criticized by people who claim not to be racist, prejudice, or those who don't hate religion.
Yes, the Bible was written by men who thought the Earth was flat. But they thought stealing was wrong, which you probably do so also. Just like murder. You most likely say it's wrong, since you've given some evidence of that in your messages. But just because they thought the Earth was flat is reason enough to give evidence of your disbelief of the Bible? Have not Scientists [which are Priests of the United States Government's Official Religion] been wrong also? But you still believe in some of the things they say, even though they were wrong to begin with?
I don't know why everyone is so mad at "somebody." There is some reasons to be annoyed, but he is just saying what he believes in. You, also, say that you believe in Science but no one get's mad at you. So why is everyone SO angry at "somebody." [As I've said before, there is some reasons to be annoyed at him. Swearing while trying to promote the Bible is not a very good precourser to non-believers, somebody. It would be suggested that you edit your posts. You can't edit your words, but you most certainly can edit your messages before you hit the save button. Please do not be offended by my lecture; swearing is for children who can't think of words to express their feelings.] I too, believe in God, and the Bible. I do not expect to be criticized by people who claim not to be prejudice, racist, or non-religious haters. I do not feel it is right to have some people say, "People are people, we should accept that," but when someone posts a message that promotes their religion, that same person says, "Oh, that's foolishness." In my book, that is hippocritical [hope that's spelled right; a dictionary or theosaurus is a blessing not given to my household. Not to mention, I'm a bit too lazy to get up and go to look for it. But you get what I'm trying to say.] So maybe we should all take each other's advice. We should all look into ourselves and point out our mistakes. That way, when you continue debate, we will be less infantile. I am proud to see people stand up for their Biblical Beliefs. You were told you would be made fun of, yet you still are brave enough to spread our Creator's Will. May God bless everyone. And in respect to the Aetheists opinions here, I can edit that quote for them: "Good luck for the future." That's about the only way to wish them good luck without offending them. Hey, even "Goodbye" is a religious term that most Aetheists don't know about. It was taken from God Be With You. If you see a similarity, then you probably very perspective.

Posted by Overmind on 2002-01-30 02:17:02

God did not intend for a man to place his $%!@ in another man's bum. Nor did nature. Science is obviously wrong about it being genetic...you can chose whether you have sex with a guy or girl, that's all your choice. As humans, we can detour from our genes. So it's all choice. If it so happens that it is genetic, than it was also created. Consider the following: A long time ago, a man has sex with a woman. He realizes, hey, this makes a baby! What about if I do the same with a man? So he does so, and realizes nothing happened. He tells his friends and offspring about his experience, and his friends and offspring think, "Maybe he didn't do something right." So they attempt having sex with the same sex. But maybe one of them liked it. They tell everyone about it. Maybe that's when the gene is made. This of course, assumes that homosexuality is genetic. Science claims to have proven it so, but there is a major flaw in their proof: Everyone is capable of making their own choices. Even mentally retarded people have free will. You may not control who you love, but you most certainly can control who you have sex with. So homosexuality is logically...all by choice. I believe Logic to be superior to Science. Science can not answer every question. But Logic can come pretty close.
And by the way, Science is the U.S. Governments Official Religion, as I stated before. Want me to tell you WHY it is so? ========== In Reply To ========== I don't think God ever intended for a man to put his dinky in another man's bum.

Posted by Ainslie on 2002-03-05 19:03:52

Okay, then consider this. I was born with brown hair. I can choose to dye it red or blond or even purple, if I so desire, but that won't change the fact that it's really brown. I'be dyed it both red and blonde (never tried that purple thing, though), but both times it looked really unnatural because that's not the haircolor I was born with. We are born a certain way for a certain reason. We can try to deny the way we are born, like I did when I dyed my hair, but at the end of the day, I'm still a brunette. That's how God made me. God made homosexuals homosexual for a reason, too. You wouldn't have sex with a man because you're not gay. The idea might even disgust you. You can choose to have sex with a man, but it wouldn't be natural to you. Just like that, a homosexual can choose to have sex with someone of the opposite sex, but it wouldn't be natural to them. Why do something that goes against your nature? It's just not logical.

Posted by Overmind on 2002-03-05 22:56:39

You say why do something that goes against our nature...it's illogical. Well, you and I do it every day. If you are not racist, prejudice...ect, than you are going against your nature. Here's why. With humans being the dominant species on the planet, we have assumed we have the right to do as we please. Since no animal will hunt us outright [animals that have attacked humans, like lions, were provoked somehow first; or sharks mistook us for fish], we have no fear of Predators. So then disease should thin us out, right? Nope. With medical science, we can cure most diseases which can threaten our lives, and in the future, it's highly likely that ALL of them will be cured. So disease can't kill us out. Then comes starvation. But wait; we can create our own food [genetic engineering], so starving to death isn't a problem for a good deal of humanity.
So, without disease, Predators, or starvation to wipe out human numbers, what is the reason we aren't over-populated today? Hatred. Many people curse those who have hatred. But in reality, it's because of hatred we are siting here today. Nature made sure humans had a weaknes unlike no other--we hate anyone remotly different from us. Many people hate Islamic folks...Islamic folks hate Jews, Christians [at least most of them]...Democrats hate Republicans... you get the picture. With hatred like that, we humans go out and kill each other. No other animal will outright wage war on the same species just because of a difference in hunting packs! We humans are the only things that will kill each other off. My point... hatred is why we are here today. If hatred didn't exist, there's a good chance over population would occur, causing starvation and massive death.
So when you say why do something against your nature...it's illogical, remember we are all illogical. We humans were meant to hate each other for petty differences. Yet many people do not. So, by being righteous, we humans are being illogical. I pray that when world peace comes, it is not in my lifetime OR we have made space colonies so overpopulation doesn't come. It's wierd...if my theory is correct, hatred is the best thing availabe for humans...and that goes against almost every teaching out there. I just find it strange that hating someone because of a petty difference may just be what nature wants us to do. And please no hate mail after this...

========== In Reply To ==========

Okay, then consider this. I was born with brown hair. I can choose to dye it red or blond or even purple, if I so desire, but that won't change the fact that it's really brown. I'be dyed it both red and blonde (never tried that purple thing, though), but both times it looked really unnatural because that's not the haircolor I was born with. We are born a certain way for a certain reason. We can try to deny the way we are born, like I did when I dyed my hair, but at the end of the day, I'm still a brunette. That's how God made me. God made homosexuals homosexual for a reason, too. You wouldn't have sex with a man because you're not gay. The idea might even disgust you. You can choose to have sex with a man, but it wouldn't be natural to you. Just like that, a homosexual can choose to have sex with someone of the opposite sex, but it wouldn't be natural to them. Why do something that goes against your nature? It's just not logical.