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Boys Summer Clothes

Clothing in general

Posted by john09 on 2022-02-27 17:36:43

Terry, it's good to someone active on here. Sounds like we have the same outfits!

Where do you get to go naked and what do you do while naked? Do any of your friends go naked with you?

On another poll someone said that when they go naked that their privates aren't private anymore they are public. So anyone gets to touch him anywhere including his $%!@ and butt. I've also noticed that when I go naked with friends that we touch each other a lot more including making each other $%!@. Have you noticed anything like that when you go naked?

Posted by Terry07 on 2022-02-27 19:17:48

No, none of them goes naked.

I'm naked at home, at relatives sometimes at friends.

Yes I can confirm that. Something like that is happening to me too. My $%!@ and butt, whole body get touched, rubbed. Mostly sure while getting a spanking but in other situations for example when staying at relatives. So it can happen that I'm erect and touched.

You and your friends make each others $%!@?

Posted by john09 on 2022-02-28 01:31:06

I wish I could go naked at home. I don't care who gets to see me naked. Sorry to hear about the spanking. I hate getting spanked. Fortunately it doesn't happen much anymore.

I love it when people touch me while I'm naked. Even just fingers through my hair or a hand on my arm make me happy. Of course touching my $%!@ is the best. :D of course I get erect when they do and if they stop early then I thrust my hips out and say "Don't stop now!" Sometimes this gets them to finish me off. This is really only with people that are used to seeing me naked though. So some friends houses, out in the woods, or the school showers. You should try that if you get erect when someone touches you.

Some friends are more upfront about it though. They invite me over specifically to get naked and touch each other. On Saturday I went to a friend's apartment and got naked with him and his big brother. We sit on the couch in the living room and take turns sucking on the brothers $%!@ and seeing how many times we can make him $%!@.

I'm currently at another friends house in-between rounds of sex with her and her mom. One of the few places where I didn't even have to ask. First time she invited me over she was reaching into my shorts before I could even ask!

It also helps that I'm uncircumcised. Lots of guys around here are cut, so when people see I'm not they have lots of questions and I encourage them to touch it and move the foreskin around. Usually it's little kids in the woods or boys in the showers but sometimes even adults are curious and want to touch it. It's a great way to make friends.

Posted by Terry07 on 2022-02-28 16:57:00

Spankings are happening here often. At relatives too.

I think you enjoy the attention, do you think people are touching you more while you are naked?

When they didn't finish you off are you doing it? Are your parents ok with jacking off? Do they know that others are doing it to you?

Posted by john09 on 2022-02-28 22:03:14

Your right I do enjoy the attention. If I'm not naked then usually only people that know me will go ahead and touch me anywhere. Some people are just naturally affectionate and give me hugs and such even without knowing me and that is great. It's rate but sometimes people will touch my $%!@ when I'm not naked and they don't know me. The first time I babysat it was a neighbor boy that was 4 years old. I was wearing just shorts and a t-shirt. He was hugging my leg and just reached up the leg of my shorts and grabbed my $%!@.

Once I get naked though then touching becomes much more common. People just don't see a $%!@ hanging out very often so they naturally are curious and want to look and touch. I encourage it too since it feels good. Like when I'm naked out in the woods about half the people that see me agree to touch my $%!@ but if I asked while not naked it would be much less.

Like I said the touching makes me horny and I try to get them to finish me off. Some do and some don't. If they are just curious then they usually don't but if they are enthusiastic about touching then they usually do. If they don't then I will try to finish myself off. Out in the woods is easy since I can just $%!@ on the ground. Inside I try to find tissues or a toilet.

My family is very anti sex and that includes jacking off so I don't do it at home except in the shower. If they so much as thought I was jacking off I'd get the belt to my butt and I wouldn't be sitting for a long time. I learned to hide this stuff from my family a long time ago. I'm always going out though and my parents don't want me bringing more kids into the apartment so they hardly know my friends. Man if they knew the things I do with others they would probably have a heart attack!

They do know I try to go naked a lot though. I've gotten spanked for that a lot. A few times a friend's parent would call my parents when I went over for the first time and ask to go naked. I got the belt for those but then I know not to bring that kind of stuff up with them anymore and I usually don't hang out with them again.

What kind of things do you get spankings for? Do you have anything you hide from your parents? Do you have others you can jack off with or do other sex stuff? Feel free to ask me more questions too and I really appreciate you taking the time to answer mine!