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Dirty Laundry

Dirty underpants

Posted by beingfrank on 2014-09-25 09:46:44

I wore the same underpants for 7 weeks, not washing them. I wanted to see how long i could do it for. I wore them day and night, only took them off to shower.

Posted by Lily<3 on 2016-07-08 14:35:52

Im 17 and the longest I've ever worn my panties for was probably 4 months (I didn't grow much that year, maybe half an inch). I still haven't washed it, it's currently on top of my bed, along with my many, many other dirty clothes.

They used to be white with a butterfly on the front but now they're stained yellow and brown from me 1) not wiping properly (or at all)

2) standing up, pulling my panties as well mid-pee thinking im done, or doing the same thing but thinking that I've finished pooping but another piece comes out

3) just pee/pooping in them when I'm too lazy to get up

They're also really crusty (I think you can guess why). Sometimes I would walk around the house in those panties and a t-shirt.

I only stopped wearing them because I got some new panties from my Mom for my birthday.

But now that I think about it, I'm think I'm going to go put them on.