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User: Lily<3



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Posted in No Rules Parenting on 2016-07-08 15:54:43

My parents are EXTREMELY strict when it comes to rules. They literally have 5 wooden boards around my house that list all 25 rules. One in my room, one in my sisters room, one in my parents room, and one above the TV in the living room. Despite this, they are perfectly okay with me not wearing pants or a bra.

Just so you know, none of these fall into an order of some sort, I'm pretty sure Mom just made them up randomly.

1) No swearing

2) No Running inside the house.

3) No throwing items of any sort in the house

4) You break it, you pay for it

5) You must not eat between 3pm-6pm

6) You must be in bed by 7 30pm

7) You must wake up at 7am

8) You can not go in the yard without shoes on

9) Everyone must do their own chores

10) You may not date until you are 25

11) No teasing or bullying of any sort

12) Releasing nauseous toxins out of your mouth or rectum is strictly forbidden

13) Kids must obey parents with no questions

14) Kids must not leave the house without permission or company from parent

15) Skirts, dresses, and shorts must come down to your knees

16) If a urinal or fecal accident occurs, diapers are to be worn for a month

17) Only G rated shows and/or movies

18) Misuse of internet and/or computer is forbidden

19) You must shower every morning for a maximum of 5 minutes

20) $%!@ion is forbidden

21) 10 minutes of screen time per day

22) Low grades are not acceptable

23) No more than 3 friends, all must be of the same gender as reader

24) Don't talk to strangers

25) No talking back to parents

I've broken 20 of these rules. I have not broken 9, 13, 22, 23 and 25, as I get pretty good grades, I can't make myself back-talk to or disobey my parents, my conscious won't let me, unless they aren't around, and the friends thing is kind of annoying but it's livable.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed that list.

Posted in Dirty Laundry on 2016-07-08 14:35:52

Im 17 and the longest I've ever worn my panties for was probably 4 months (I didn't grow much that year, maybe half an inch). I still haven't washed it, it's currently on top of my bed, along with my many, many other dirty clothes.

They used to be white with a butterfly on the front but now they're stained yellow and brown from me 1) not wiping properly (or at all)

2) standing up, pulling my panties as well mid-pee thinking im done, or doing the same thing but thinking that I've finished pooping but another piece comes out

3) just pee/pooping in them when I'm too lazy to get up

They're also really crusty (I think you can guess why). Sometimes I would walk around the house in those panties and a t-shirt.

I only stopped wearing them because I got some new panties from my Mom for my birthday.

But now that I think about it, I'm think I'm going to go put them on.