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This is why capital punishment is immoral


Posted by Music412 on 2006-03-07 22:28:58

If you're going to make a poll, at least try to be unbiased.

Posted by Brian Murphy on 2006-03-08 00:30:31

You say that as if there are that many unbiased polls on this site. We all have an agenda and it's alright to prove a point in a poll.

Posted by Emerald_Lilly on 2006-03-08 21:09:31

Yes, but your data will be skewed and will discredit any evidence your poll brings. In any given data collection, expecially when you are trying to get a true idea of what people think, you need to keep the questions and answers as unbiased as possible. This may be difficult, there are times where I feel I am keeping my opinion completely out of my questions and answers, but someone else may be able to see what I missed. This is where constructive feedback comes in handy. It's not meant to be mean spirited or critical, only helpful, so there is no need to get defensive. Just read it, think about it, and make whatever choice you feel is necessary, even if that choice is to ignore the feedback.

Posted by Brian Murphy on 2006-03-08 21:48:25

I didn't make this poll to collect data. I made it to prove a point. All of the statistics I put in were true.

Posted by Emerald_Lilly on 2006-03-08 22:58:35

Then why poll for people's opinions? Why not just make a blog?