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User: Music412


Polls Created


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Posted in people are idoits and have ruined this site on 2007-04-09 01:25:04

Personally, I have a problem with the site's policy of limiting the number of times one can take a poll. I often find that for certain questions, more than one answer applies to me. I'd prefer poll makers to use the check box option to poll people. That way, users could select more than one answer without having to take the poll several times.

Posted in Kissing (Teens and Pre-Teens Only) on 2007-02-17 15:46:56

Even I had such pictures, I would never send them to you. You sound like a pedophile.

Posted in How Straight / Bi / Gay are you? on 2007-02-17 15:45:30

I really appreciate how you acknowledged various degrees of sexual orientation, rather than just providing "straight" and "gay" as your only options.

Posted in Abortion: Fun for the Whole Family? on 2007-02-07 22:00:54

Donald Dumpsfiels --

You admit that the fetus is human, yet you still believe that killing it is acceptable? You say the fetus has no soul. People who do not believe in souls could use the "lack of a soul" argument to justify killing anyone. Also, the fetus has no personality? I know plenty of people with that problem, but killing them would be considered homicide.

Posted in snape vs austin on 2006-12-31 00:57:56

I suppose you are a pre-teen girl who thinks Orlando Bloom should have been chosen to play Snape.