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Rape Fantasies

Tell us what your fantasy is.

Posted by CMNFgirl on 2023-12-26 18:28:19

Perhaps because I come from a CMNF household I am very close with my father. We can talk about anything.

At age 12 I asked him about rape. I had lots of questions and needed answers. How did it feel for the man or boy who was doing the deed? How did it feel for the girl or boy who was being raped?

I was told that each case was different from all the others. No two were alike. Sometimes it was very bad. Other times it was very good.

I asked my dad if he had ever raped anyone and if so how had he gone about it. Had he done it in the $%!@ or was it $%!@ rape? Dad looked pretty uncomfortable so I told him that I would not love him any less if he had. I knew that this was something men did. They were built for it.

Dad did not admit anything but he did not deny it either. I took that to mean that he had been a rapist and perhaps still was.

That did not bother me. Men have needs. It is just that simple.

Finely I asked the question most on my mind. Did girls enjoy being raped? He said that some girls did and others did not. It depended on the girl, how she was raped and by who.

At age 13 I was able to confide in my dad that I wanted to be raped for real. He thought this was just a childish fantasy. It took a while and many conversations but at last I was able to convince him that it was not a fantasy. I really needed it.

Dad had many questions for me. He asked about my sexual experiences. Had I ever had sex before? I told him I had not.

Dad wanted to know what sort of man or boy I wanted to be my rapist. I said I wanted someone nice but not too nice. Maybe a man or maybe a boy but both at the same time would be best.

Dad asked if I understood that I would not be able to change my mind? I said I understood.

Did I understand that I might be beaten before or during the rape? Yes and although I did not really like the idea I knew it was the price of admission.

I understood all that. I had given it a lot of thought and I wanted it to come as a surprise. I did not really want to be beaten but if that was what my rapist wanted to do to me so be it. I wanted an actual rape not just roleplaying.

Dad realized that I was putting myself in dangerous situations where I could easily be raped. I was accepting rides from strange men and dressing in a provocative manner. I was hanging out in rough places and acting $%!@ty. It was only a matter of time before it happened and was afraid that I might wind up in the hands of a real sicko who might kill me after he was finished. My father did not want that to happen.

Dad contacted an old friend from his college days. He told Ryan, that is the name of dads friend, that he needed a favor. He told Ryan that he had a daughter who needed to be raped good and hard to teach her a lesson she would never forget.

Ryan said that he was more than willing to help. In addition to that Ryan’s 12 year old son Max would soon be entering puberty and he was anxious to introduce his boy to sex.

One day soon after while hitchhiking not far from my house I accepted a ride from Ryan and Max. I had no idea that there was any connection between my dad the man and his boy. They seemed nice especially the boy. I did not know that I was being set up. Since the little boy was smaller than I was I felt safe. Little did I know.

They drove me to a remote farm with an abandon barn far away from any help and that is where it happened.

I resisted but to no avail. The man secured my hands behind my back, carried me over his shoulder into the barn and forcefully stripped me. He slapped me around as the boy watched in horror.

Ryan told Max not to be afraid. He said that although it might seem cruel I was a girl and this was what I needed. I felt for Max and wanted him to know it would all be okey.

Ryan announced that it was time for me to be deflowered. The father ordered his son to undress and reluctantly the boy did as he was told. When the boy lowered his trousers I could see that he was wearing SpongeBob SquarePants cartoon briefs. The briefs followed his pants and his little pink male thing came into view. It was hard and cute.

Ryan placed me on my back and pulled down his pants. I was gobsmacked when his monstrosity large tool come into view. I’m sure Max was equally impressed. I wondered if my dad had one as big.

“Its so big,” I said.

“All the better to rape you with dear girl,” the man said.

Their was a bit of rough stuff as he pinched my breasts and bit me but that only served to turn me on. The man pointed out my sexual excitement to his horrified but spellbound son.

I remember thinking that Max’s prepubescent erection was so cute. I wondered if it would ever grow as large as his dads whopper.

I was amazed as Ryan triumphantly thrust his $%!@ into my young virgin $%!@. Little Max looked on stroking his diminutive boner as his dad began to thrust. Max had never seen a girl screwed before. It was almost more than he could understand.

Ryan raped me good and hard and although it was painful I loved every wicked second of it. When he shot his load I could feel myself filled with his hot seed and I loved it. This, I thought, was what it meant to be a woman.

Then it was time for innocent little Max to have a go. It was his first time with a girl and he needed some encouragement from his father. But once in Max was very sweet about it. Sure he was raping me but he was sympathetic to my plight.

He was a very sweet child and only just beginning to understand what was expected of him as a male. His ivory white circumcised $%!@ was much easier for me to take but it was up to the task. In fact it was delightful. I wanted to suck his $%!@ but making such a request while being raped seemed a breach of protocol. I was there to be used and not to ask for favors.

As Max was f***ing me his proud father looked on with approval giving his son encouragement. “Oh yes boy, $%!@ that little bitch,” he said, “$%!@ her hard! She needs it so bad!”

His son was no longer a little boy. Max was now a handsome young tween and he was doing a fine job of raping his first girl. It was a special moment for both father and son and I felt privileged to be a part of it.

After Max had a dry boygasm Ryan had a second go at me. This time he took me doggie style. Then Max $%!@ed me again. In total I got it four times that day. I could not have imagined of a better way to experience my first rape.

Afterwords I was disheveled, nude covered in $%!@ and bruised. I was surprised when Ryan handed me a towel and provided me with a fresh change of clothing that were a prefect fit. At that point I first began to suspect that my dad had had a hand in all this.

With all three of us well satisfied I was released a few blocks from my house. I made my way home where I was welcome by my dad.

How was your day? He asked.

Awesome, I replied as I gave him a big hug.

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