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Rape Fantasies

Tell us what your fantasy is.

Posted by YgBtch on 2012-07-31 14:41:54

Girls: This is slightly off topic. However my RL Master has directed me to ask this, so please respond to it.

You live in a place where execution by slow, strangulaion hanging is common, with the comdemed hanged in the nude, in the town square. Your boyfriend, husband or lover has been convicted and sentenced to be hanged. You can save him by voluntering to hang in his place. You know that as a woman you will be subjected to an hour of public rape, open to anyone for an hour before you swing. Do you take his place on the gallows, willingly submitting to humiliating rape and an agonizing death for the man you love?

For my part I would be more than willing to suffer that end for my man.

Thanks for your time.

Posted by YgBtch on 2012-07-31 18:47:32

I stand on the barrel my hands tied securely behind me. A noose snug around my neck, great quanities of $%!@ run out of my $%!@ and rear and fill my stomach. My life will be over soon, for I have taken my husband's place on the gallows. I am as naked as the day I was born which somehow seems appropriate. I have just been publicly raped for an hour before being placed where I now stand. My soon to be widower stands watching my finale moments with his arm around my little sister. Is the little $%!@'s belly swelling slightly? Did my husband knock up my sister? I am not mad, as I could not give him children anyway, I am actually happy for them I find. I look at my sweet sister. "Take care of him for me and love him always." She is surprised at my attitude. "I will Sister and if the babe I carry is a girl, she will bear your name." My eyes water as I thank her. I commend my Beloved to always love and cherish his new wife. My vows to do just that. I look at my executioner. who goes to one knee before me, his head bowed. "I beg your forgivness, My Lady for what I must do." "Kiss me my Death and I will indeed forgive you with a full heart." he stands, "Few have ever begged a kiss from Death." His lips are firm, warm and sweet and his mouth delicious. When the kiss breaks I say, "For that you are well and truely forgiven. Perform your office, My Lord." He lays a large rough hand softly aganist my cheek. "Were you mine I would never let you do this. Farewell." He kicks the barrel away, I drop a short distance the noose tightens and I begin to struggle and dance. My feet seeking in vain for a foothold. I see my sister on her knees, her soon to be husband's $%!@ deep in her throat being face $%!@ed as I die. I can feel my nipples harden even stiffer than they have ever been. I hear the crowd yelling, "Die bitch, die. Die , bitch, die. I put on a good show before my struggles slow, my hips thrust as my final orgasim hits, my back arches then relaxes, as do my bladder and bowels, now $%!@ and $%!@ mix with the jis on my thighs. I shudder then hang still, twisting in the breeze, it has taken 15 minutes to get to this point. My executioner waits 5 more minutes then listens at my chest. He straightens up, turns to the pronounes me dead, at which point a wild cheer goes up. My widower and my sister embraces tears on their faces, a mix of grief for my death and joy that they can be wed now. Once the crowd dispurses, my body is taken to the edge of town and rehung from a high branch and left to rot. Much later my skull sits on the executioner's mantle in a place of honor.

Posted by YgBtch on 2012-08-01 12:41:50

Thank you again. I really would like to hear from other girls who are reading these posts. Especially since my RL Master requested that I ask.

So come girls. Would you die for your guy or signifigant other??

Posted by WhtBrdr on 2012-08-01 15:43:37

I would happily submit to the humiliation of being publicly raped for an hour. Then to meeting my death, strangling at the end of a rope so that my man would live.

I like your fantasy about that Yg. Espeically your body being rehung and left to rot and feed the carrion eaters. Then your Executioner keeping and treasuring your skull. It would be so cool to have my skull displayed like that and treasured by a loved one, even if the one had been met at the end. I actually find that kind of romantic, the poor guy could not have you, even though he had fallen HARD for you. So he cherishes what he is able to of you, your skull.

Posted by YgBtch on 2012-08-01 18:55:26

Thanks WhtBrdr. I had not considered the romantic aspect of my Executioner keeping my skull. But, I see your point. Talk about a star-crossed love, imagine having to execute the one person you have finally found who you will love for the rest of your life and have to hang her or him, behead them, crucify them, etc. Talk about the pits. I think I would beg to be put to death next to them..

For guys: If as punishment for a crime your GF would not be killed, but would be publicly raped for a certain amount of time by any man or woman who wished to use her. It would be up to the rapists wheather to use a condom or not and you know she is ripe. Would you keep her after she had been raped even if she concieved as a result? Or would you take her out into the woods and quietly strangle her or slit her throat, you being within your rights to do so.

I would want to be killed so as not to shame my BF/Husband any more than I had.